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IoT on Rural and Urban Areas Concerning Electricity and Water Consumption

Essay Instructions:

* Write about the Findings based on the topic (IoT in Smart Cities), the topic will be attached

* Write only about the highlighted sections.

Chapter 4: Findings

Begin writing here…


☐ Begin with an introduction and restatement of the problem and purpose sentences verbatim and the organization of the chapter.

☐ Organize the entire chapter around the research questions/hypotheses.

Collection of the Data

Begin writing here…


☒ For qualitative studies, clearly identify the means by which the trustworthiness of the data was established. Discuss credibility (e.g., triangulation, member checks), transferability (e.g., the extent to which the findings are generalizable to other situations), dependability (e.g., an in-depth description of the methodology and design to allow the study to be repeated), and confirmability (e.g., the steps to ensure the data and findings are not due to participant and/or researcher bias).

☐ For quantitative studies, explain the extent to which the data meet the assumptions of the statistical test and identify any potential factors that might impact the interpretation of the findings. Provide evidence of the psychometric soundness (i.e., adequate validity and reliability) of the instruments from the literature as well as in this study (as appropriate). Do not merely list and describe all the measures of validity and reliability.

☒ Mixed methods studies should include discussions of the trustworthiness of the data as well as validity and reliability.


Begin writing here…


☒ Briefly discuss the overall study. Organize the presentation of the results by the research questions/hypotheses.

☒ Objectively report the results of the analysis without discussion, interpretation, or speculation.

☐ Provide an overview of the demographic information collected. It can be presented in a table. Ensure no potentially identifying information is reported.

Research Question 1/Hypothesis 


☒ Report all the results (without discussion) salient to the research question/hypothesis. Identify common themes or patterns.

☐Use tables and/or figures to report the results as appropriate

☐ For quantitative studies, report any additional descriptive information as appropriate. Identify the assumptions of the statistical test and explain how the extent to which the data met these assumptions was tested. Report any violations and describe how they were managed as appropriate. Make decisions based on the results of the statistical analysis. Include relevant test statistics, p values, and effect sizes in accordance with APA requirements.

☐ For qualitative studies , describe the steps taken to analyze the data to explain how the themes and categories were generated. Include thick descriptions of the participants’ experiences. Provide a comprehensive and coherent reconstruction of the information obtained from all the participants.

☐ For mixed methods studies, include all of the above.

Evaluation of the Findings

Begin writing here…


☐ Interpret the results in light of the existing research and theoretical or conceptual framework (as discussed in Chapters 1 and 2). Briefly indicate the extent to which the results were consistent with existing research and theory.

☐ Organize this discussion by research question/hypothesis.

☐ Do not draw conclusions beyond what can be interpreted directly from the results.

☐ Devote approximately one to two pages to this section.


Begin writing here…


☐ Summarize the key points presented in the chapter.

Tip: Review peer-reviewed research articles to locate examples of how to report results generated using the research design used in your study.

Tip: Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment regarding the interpretation of the findings.

Repeat this process for each research question.

Tip: Tables and figures should not be included on the same page. If you introduce a table or figure in the middle of the page and there is not enough room to include the entire table or figure on the page, it must be placed on the next page. Perform a hard right return (hold down the shift key while hitting the return key) and begin the table on the next page.  

Tip: Tables and figures should be placed with the corresponding research question. The formatting of tables varies, depending on the statistical test. Follow APA formatting requirements for tables, titles, figures, and captions.

Tip: Tables and figures must be referenced in the text. Please refer to APA guidelines regarding when and how to use tables and figures. Do not fully describe data in the text and also present them in a table.

Tip: Review published articles that used the same design for examples of how to present qualitative, thematic findings.

The Academic Success Center has a weekly group session on both Writing Quantitative and Writing Qualitative Analysis. 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Results of the Analysis
The study results indicate that the urban areas embraced more smart technologies compared to the rural population. Households in a specific location and which shared certain demographic features, such as having an equal number of people in the house, tended to report similar trends in consumption of water and electricity. However, the amount of garbage collection for the houses showed some differences depending on the social status of the families involved. Measuring the variables of study in the rural settings was more challenging compared to the urban areas as the rural areas were characterized by some inconsistencies in water usage and garbage collection. The rural settings also experienced intermitted power supply, which made it difficult to determine the actual consumption differences between the two settings.
Electricity and water consumption in urban areas almost doubled that in rural areas. Similarly, the amount of garbage collected in the rural areas was significantly smaller compared to that in the urban settings. Members in urban areas were more receptive to the technologies and were quicker to report any cases of malfunctioning of the devices. In the initial months of the study, the electricity and water consumption in the urban areas was significantly higher than that in rural areas. However, after the installation of smart technologies, the gap between consumption in the urban and rural areas reduced significantly. There were also slight differences in the consumption trend changes among the houses. For example, while some houses reported significant changes in their consumption patterns, others did not report any significant changes.
There were some security and privacy concerns in using these applications. For example, the researcher noted that in some cases, the smart infrastructu...
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