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Harms and Benefits of Privacy, Whistle Blowing, and Winner-take-all Society

Essay Instructions:

Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Your sole resource for responding to the three essay topics is your text: Ethics for the Information Age (8th Edition). Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words. Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, be sure to provide a title for each of your essay responses.
This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:
Part 1: In your own words, summarize and contrast the harms and benefits of privacy, offering your commentary. Your commentary can include illustrative examples based on your perspective and experience.
Part 2: Offering your own commentary as you see fit, critically evaluate the idea that whistle blowing is a moral duty, focusing primarily on the perspectives of Richard De George and Carlos G. Bell, Jr.
Part 3: From the perspective of Robert Frank and Philip Cook, in your own words, describe the harmful effects of the winner-take-all society in general and the economy in particular. When it seems appropriate, provide examples from your experience or observations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics in Technology
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Ethics in Technology
Part 1
In the 21st century, scholars have raised questions touching on the ethical use of technology, especially concerning privacy. Despite a constant outcry emanating from privacy violations, stakeholders have done little to address the concerns. Informational privacy vests interest in how people control personal online data (Quinn, 2020). Informational privacy associated with technology presents both benefits and harms to users.
When using social media accounts and websites, privacy policies require users to provide log-in information consisting of usernames and passwords. It helps users secure the data in their online accounts from third parties. Equally, online sites demand log-in information to protect their users' data from hackers and cyberbullies. Privacy helps individuals prevent cyberbullies or criminals from tracking and accessing user IP addresses and metadata (Quinn, 2020).
Implementation of privacy policies is necessary for individuals who engage in online business transactions and access their bank details online. Online money transfers from one bank to another expose user accounts to hackers with sophisticated software and skills to access user data (Quinn, 2020). After accessing the data, they hijack victims’ bank accounts and steal from their victims or demand ransom. Social media accounts have also been hacked many times in the past. In April 2019, WhatsApp servers were hacked by Israeli tool developers who infiltrated the application's servers. The perpetrators gained illegal access to more than four thousand WhatsApp users' mobile phones. The majority of hacked users were high-profile government officials from more than twenty countries. The famous hacking experience stands out as a major privacy breach in using technology. In other cases, hackers have illegally accessed their victims’ social media accounts and defamed their victims by making inappropriate posts using the illegally accessed accounts. Potential employers examine the activities of potential employees on their social media accounts before hiring. If a candidate's social media account was hacked and his name tainted, it would be difficult to prove that the candidate did not post unprofessional content via their hacked social media accounts.
Part 2
Whistle-blowing is a moral duty by which people expose information about activities and projects that are illegal and unethical in their workplaces or society. Whistle-blowing within organizations is a policy that helps individuals to raise concern over fraud, corruption, and other malpractices (Watts & Buckley, 2017). Richard De George argues that whistleblowers must analyze the harm that whistle-blowing will cause to the public and the organization. He emphasizes that the whistleblower should be equipped with concrete evidence before acting. Criticisms against Richard de George's arguments incline towards dismissing the need for appropriate evidence before whistle-blowing. His critics argue that since whistle-blowing is everyone’s moral duty, raising concerns about malpractices should require little evidence. For instance, if a drug company distributes harmful products, and the whistleblower fails to raise concern because he does not have reasonable evidence, the company's activities are likely to cause health problems or death to millions of people who depend on the company’s drugs. In such an event, it will be regretful to the individual for failing to act in good time.
Carlos G. Bell differs from Richard de George by asserting that th...
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