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Emerging Threats from Terrorism

Essay Instructions:

Class: EMH360 History of Terrorism and Homeland Security in the US

Unit 6: Emerging Threats

Emerging Threats

Discuss whether or not terrorists are becoming more technically advanced in their abilities to conduct attacks? With the increased reliance on the internet and the cyberdomain for industry and commerce, are terrorists better able to achieve their goals usingcyber tactics rather than “old-school” bombings?Final Question (Answer separate from above):What are the linkages between traditional terrorist tactics and the use of the internet?Helpful Links:Information and communication technology (ICT) can be used to facilitate thecommission of terrorist-related offences (a form of cyber-enabled terrorism) or can bethe target of terrorists (a form of cyber-dependent terrorism). Specifically, ICT can beused to promote, support, facilitate, and/or engage in acts of terrorism.• UNODC. (2019, June). Cyberterrorism.A few Islamic State operatives have been contacting sympathetic prospective jihadisabroad via the internet to supply them with instruction and practical advice for carryingout terrorist acts. Some analysts have called this a “game-changer.”• Mueller, J. (2017). The cybercoaching of terrorists: cause for alarm?. CTCSentinel, 10(9), 29-35.The National Strategy for Countering WMD Terrorism describes the United StatesGovernment’s approach to countering non-state WMD threats, emphasizing the needfor continuous pressure against WMD-capable terrorist groups, enhanced security fordangerous materials throughout the world, and increased burden sharing among ourforeign partners.• Trump, D. (2018, Dec). National strategy for countering weapons of massdestruction terrorism. The White House.This Congressional testimony from the Department of Justice outlines the cyber threatsto critical infrastructure.• Cyber threats to our nation's critical infrastructure: statement before subcommitteon crime and terrorism committee on the judiciary United State Senate. (2018,Aug 21). (Statement of Sujit Raman).

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Emerging Threats
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Emerging Threats
Internet and internetworking technologies have revolutionized every industry sector across the globe, and terrorists are also taking advantage of the widespread adoption of new technologies to develop top-notch tactics. Terrorists now have access to cutting-edge technologies and weapons that can be maliciously used to cause harm and destruction across the globe. Chemical and biological weapons are the emerging weapons that terrorists are exploring to complement their weapons of mass destruction, which are made possible through the extensive research that is carried out with the help of technology (Trump, 2018). Terrorists can also use social networking to manipulate the masses through propaganda and misinformation, causing havoc from the public towards the legitimate government, which is the ultimate objective of modern-day terror groups. New technologies aimed at...
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