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The Impact of Different Video Games to Children

Essay Instructions:

Rough Drafts, Annotated Bibliographies, and Peer Reviews

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This is a major assignment and serves a dual several functions as both an individual writing assignment and a group engagement activity. Posting your draft on the Board allows you to share your own articles and to sample an overview of what the class is producing--the range and kind of articles possible, as well as different rhetorical approaches. You also will provide peer critiques, which develops analytical and evaluative skills.

Rough Drafts. First: Post the rough draft of your report or article by attaching a Word document (not a pdf, ods, or other doc). Attach your Annotated Bibliography as a separate file or start a new page. Note: A rough draft is a completed draft--not a few paragraphs. Don't forget to include page numbers and Word Count (see instructions).

Then: After the due date for the rough draft, Canvas will assign peer critique partners. Read the 2 assigned submissions. You are welcome (and encouraged to read as many drafts as you like. The peer critiques are due according to the due date listed on the Syllabus. (Check the long form of the Syllabus as posted.) If you post your draft in the last minute or after the due date, Canvas will not assign you peer critique partners because you were not "present." If you miss the due date for the draft, you will not receive points for that assignment.

Last: Post your peer critiques as reply threads on the Discussion Board or by clicking on the assigned link for your comments and attaching a Word doc. Then submit. Note: if you type in the Comment text box for your critique, you will not be able to format the text. Just so you know.

NOTE: Canvas will assign critiques after all rough drafts have been submitted.

Peer Critiques. Your critique should provide constructive, evaluative criticism (no simple "good job" comments). Label the review with the writer's name and title. Use Guidelines for Writing CritiquesPreview the documentView in a new window under Week 4 for writing your peer reviews. You may also find the Criteria for Writing CritiquesPreview the documentView in a new window useful for strategies and as an example of a rubric. The critiques should be at least 350 words but will probably be longer. The window for this Forum is set to close when the peer critiques are due.

Everyone needs time to reflect, respond, and revise. Remember these tips for constructive criticism:

Be specific

Be honest

Give suggestions to clarify your message

Tip: To provide meaningful critiques and receive points for them, review the Short Report Assignment Peer Critique WorksheetPreview the documentView in a new window for ideas before you write your reviews. It isn't necessary to submit these forms, but you need to cover some fundamentals and consider a few things. It will not be enough to give feedback such as "Great job. It's an interesting topic" and so on. Would you read this article if you weren't assigned to?

Follow the Guidelines for How to Write Critiques.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Video Games
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University Name
Motivation acts as the driving force behind any action you take. It trains you to work for long hours and to stay up late to make a difference in your life. When children are motivated on a regular basis, they will continue working hard with an aim to improve their scores. The incentive of having a positive experience and outcomes is what keeps them working despite so many obstacles, hurdles and challenges (Cropley, 2015, p. 61). When it comes to talking about the sources of motivation, parents and teachers think that providing children with a calm, peaceful and vibrant environment is enough. However, with these typical methods, kids may soon lose their interest in the studies. It means they need something extraordinarily special and exciting. Indeed, video games are an excellent way to motivate children to work hard, to boost their performance, to enhance their capabilities and to help them become brilliant students (Cropley, 2015).
The Impact of Video Games on Children
It is very unfortunate that most of the video games are frowned upon by teachers and parents as useless, time-wasters, meaningless and a threat to education. However, experts have revealed that video games are a good source of motivation. Besides those corrupt video games that might ruin the personality of children, many video games are non-violent and have been used to make children smart. Civilization, Minecraft, Portal, SimCity, and Mission US are good examples of that (Jackson & Games, 2015).
Civilization is one of the best and most amazing turn-based strategy games. It can be played individually or with a partner. The basic rule is to build an empire by destroying the colonies of other civilizations. This video game teaches children the basics of public policy, diplomacy, geography, and history. It encourages them to dig deeper to know more about how different engineering techniques can be used to build a house, a colony or an entire city. The game is suitable for school-going children (Cropley, 2015).
Minecraft is yet another video game that motivates children to create unique items and buildings by placing blocks on one another. It boosts their mental capabilities, fosters their creativity, and enables them to learn the basics of programming and scripting. From the early years, children show an interest in either the science or art subjects. With this game, parents and teachers can quickly determine whether they are technical-minded or the average kids...
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