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Essay on IT Managers at Intel

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IT Management
For the IT managers at Intel and most of the other companies managing data, tasks can be overwhelming. At any single time, the managers are supposed to juggle a good number of aspects. These are related to having their servers online and all the tasks running at their optimal rates with all the staff productivity employed and the users enjoying their services. At any time, the managers may have more than one project to deal with and their resources have to be kept in check to make sure the capacity is available (Itmanagerduels.intel.com, 2014).
The IT Managers Duel is one of the most interactive and educational games that give the player an idea of what the IT managers have to deal with. This is a game that is hosted by an IT team, to try and help the audience understand some basics about IT management. There are interactive tools on the tutorial which the users can use to their advantage and explore the site and the tasks of the game. In the game, the user has a chance to use the resources allocated, which in this case are hardware options and human resources/ staffs. At the same time the users are required to implement some projects and handle some events that come up in the game (Itmanagerduels.intel.com, 2014).
Playing the game, one understands that there are more than one layout in any network, such as the mobile, pc fleets and the servers on the network. All of the hardware has different capacities and their combination in the infrastructure have a great impact. Depending on the infrastructure and the hardware involved the capacity can be changed, with the right combinations of the hardware. Different project have different demands, which means that some of the projects cannot run on some infrastructure due to their demand for resources which compromises the capacity of the system. Given that the capacity of the system is inelastic unless there is an additional hardware, the IT managers have to select the projects that can be handled by the system at any one time, and at the same time they have to evaluate the tasks assigned to the staff to make sure that they are not overwhelming. When the staffs are free they can be ass...
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