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IT Managers and Conducting Tutorials for Delegation of Tasks

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For the IT managers, it is a juggling affair as they deal with more than one competing tasks and limited resources. Everyday IT managers are faced with a different aspect to deal with from their projects to new events and viruses that come up in the market (Harel, 2014). Other than the projects, managers have to deal with their employees to whom they have delegated duties. As such, other than just managing the hardware and the software at the respective firms, they are also supposed to handle the human resources, the shareholders, policies and the hackers that are trying to destabilize the system, along with the projects (Harel, 2014).
The IT managers Duel Game is one of the most informative yet a subtle representation of the kind of tasks that the IT managers have to deal with on a daily basis. The game is divided up into three categories; basic, intermediate and advanced play. It starts with the manager setting up their assets and allocating the tasks to the staffs available to them, while setting up the system. The system of networks has three streams namely the servers, the pc fleets and the mobile network (Itmanagerduels.intel.com, 2014). This is a common system setup in most of the workplaces, where there are the servers, the personal computers on which most of the staff are working on the mobile devices such as the phones, tablets, laptops and PDAs among others. All of these networks have to be part of the larger network.
The managers cannot do all the work, and thus have staffs to carry out the tasks. This means that the setup is delegated out to the staff. Depending on the staffs available and the tasks at hand, the manager decides on the level of delegation alongside the capacity. At the same time the system setup also has its capacity and the manager has to take into consideration the tasks at hand and the system abilities. The game uses color coding and numbers to indicate the capacities of the servers, pc fleets and the mobile system. It also indicates the timers for the number of turns for the projects at hand, indicating how long they may last. Both the capacity of the system and the projects details regarding the number and the turns are indicated on the right pane of the game window (Itmanagerduels.intel.com, 2014). The staffs available and the clusters are all indicated on the left pane of the game window. The game also handles the aspects of managers dealing with policies, events and viruses on their systems, which is a crucial part of maintenance.
There are some new terms that have been included in the tutorial and are very useful in understanding the content...
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