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Email/Text Problems and Writing a Process Description

Essay Instructions:

Part A: Email/Text Problems

What are some of the problems that you have experienced when writing or receiving poorly, perhaps hastily, written emails/texts? Describe at least five (5) types of issues.

Part B: Writing a Process Description

Select a specialized process that you understand well and that has several distinct steps. Using the process description discussed in Chapter 19 of your textbook as a model, write a one page description of this process.

Part C: Difficult to Follow Instructions

Find a short set of instructions or some other technical document from work or the Internet that is hard to follow. Replicate or download those instructions at the top of a one-page analysis. Assume that you are the Associate Director of Communications for the company that produced this document and that you are doing a final review before the document is released. Using the “Checklist for Instructions and Procedures” on the following page (also found in Chapter 20 of your textbook), identify what, specifically, makes the document difficult to use, providing a specific reference for each problem area.

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Technical Communication
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Technical Communication
Part A: Email/Text Problems
The rapid advancement of technology has significantly contributed to how people communicate. Nowadays, the common type of formal and informal communication is writing emails. Well-written emails facilitate effective communication. However, there exist problems that individuals might encounter when receiving or writing poorly written emails. Specifically, poorly written emails threaten productivity, contribute to confusion, sabotage careers, and tarnish the name of the sender or receiver. The following are five types of issues present in poorly written emails.
1. Improper punctuation.
Some emails are poorly punctuated such that it becomes challenging to read and understand them. Words, phrases, and sentences should be punctuated well so that the receivers know what they are expected to do. That is why email senders should read their messages before clicking the sending button.
2. Poor organization.
Emails should be well-organized. Effective communication can only occur when email receivers can understand everything stated in the email (Kashian & Mirzaei, 2019). In other words, the reader should know the start and end of specific points. Poor email order or organization creates confusion that might lead to the omission of significant steps or information.
3. Incomplete sentences.
Incomplete sentences make ideas vague. In reality, they not only affect email comprehension but also interfere with message clarity. In that light, the sender should always avoid leaving sentences incomplete since they can mislead the receiver.
4. Use of jargon.
Jargons are unnecessary words or phrases, which should not be used when writing emails. Besides, the primary purpose of an email is to send a clear message. As such, the ideas or steps should be concise and precise.
5. Poor image integration.
If images are used in an email, they should be accompanied by proper descriptions. However, comprehension issues occur when images are embedded, and nothing is said about them. In that light, images should not be overused in emails, but when the need arises proper captions and descriptions should not be omitted.
Part B: Writing a Process Description
Process description should have three primary parts, namely introduction, stages in the process, and conclusion. The introduction provides the background, purpose, and definition of terms to be used. Other things include the target audience, process description, special terms, and stages preview (Lannon & Gurak, 2013). The stages process comprises all steps and sub-steps. The conclusion refers to the summary of primary phases.
How to Install Microsoft Windows 10 on a Laptop Using a USB Drive
The following process guides a person on how to install Windows 10 on a laptop using a USB drive. Notably, an individual should make the USB drive bootable and put the copy of Windows 10 to be installed. When the word installation is used, it means following the steps indicated by the installer. As such, the process enables a person to set up Windows 10 and start using it on one’s laptop.
Stages in the Process
Check whether the device meets the requirements for Windows 10.
The minimum requirements for running Windows 10 include a random access memory (RAM) of above 2GB for a 64-bit or 1GB for a 32-bit Windows 10.
Processor speed of at least 1GHz.
Display resolution of 800*600 or higher.
Storage space of at least 32GB.
Create the USB installation media.
Switch off the laptop, insert the USB dr...
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