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Comparison of Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" link on the course homepage for specific format requirements.

In your course, turn to Lesson 8. Skim through it to refresh your memory. Next, carefully study and review the section titled “Measuring Technological Progress.”

Use your own words to write a short compare-and-contrast essay that defines and explains three distinct perspectives on the evolution of technology. As you write, imagine you are talking to a friend who has no knowledge of this topic. In short, write the way you speak, using a conversational tone. Also, try to alternate short sentences and longer sentences to make your writing more readable.

Be sure to create a title and cite yourself as the author. For example:

A Comparison of Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology

Your essay should include five paragraphs, as follows:

Paragraph 1 is your lead paragraph. It will contain an overview of what you have to say in comparing and contrasting the perspectives of Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler with respect to the evolution of technology.

Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, are your body paragraphs.

In your essay, use paragraph 2 to describe the perspective of Gerhard Lenski.

In paragraph 3, you’ll write about the perspective of Leslie White.

In paragraph 4, you’ll describe and discuss the perspective of Alvin Toffler.

Paragraph 5 is your summary and conclusion. Here, you’ll compare the three perspectives to show how they are, or may be, similar. You’ll contrast the three perspectives to describe how they’re different. You’ll end this process--and your essay--by expressing your view as to which of these theorists (one or more) offer the most useful insights into the evolution of technology, in your opinion.

It’s permissible to use direct quotes from your reading, but don’t use too many. One to three such quotes should be your limit. Be sure to put a direct quote in quotation marks. For example: According to Smith, “Carbon dioxide is both our friend and our enemy.”

Begin by writing a first draft. Then, edit and rework your material to make it clear and concise. After you have reached a final draft, proofread the essay one last time to locate and correct grammar and spelling errors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Comparison of Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology
Author's Name
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Comparing Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology
Humankind has achieved outstanding glories and unbelievable progress in technology and innovation. Our world is continuously evolving towards modernization and improvement due to myriad new inventions. The technological advancements, innovative ideas and products, investment in innovation, and demand for new technologies have furthered the tech industry's progress. Innovation is considered the basis for modern societies' evolution (Sasvari, 2012). Every individual has a distinct perspective on technological evolution. Similarly, many theorists and futurists proposed their perspectives on the evolution of technology in society through the development of humankind. The subsequent paper compares the different perspectives on the evolution of technology presented by Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler, recognized for their work and research in evolutionary theories of technology. The different viewpoints offered by these theorists provide varying insights into the evolution of technology. However, despite the contrast of opinion, some common elements and aspects also focus on the evolution of technology through mutual efforts of society and continuous learning and progress.
Gerhard Lenski perceives technological improvement as critical to the progress of any society. He considered innovation as the motivation behind the evolution of human civilization since its inception. Lenski explained it in his own words as survival of the society is mainly a function of the social level of technological advancements, comparing it to the societies it competes with. According to him, information is the primary source of technology that drives society towards betterment and results in humankind's evolution (Lenski, 2015). It helps in society's transition from one level to a higher level of progress. Lenski believed that the greater the level of information, the more progressive society would be. The greater the knowledge society possesses, the greater its inclination towards innovation. Knowledge plays a critical role in increasing awareness among people regarding the utilization of natural resources, which results in the progression of civilization. His theory specifies four different stages of communication, which explains the human communication process. The first stage is biological communication, which stipulates the transfer of genes from one generation to another. The second stage is the sentience stage supporting the human ability to adapt to the environment and changes around us through our experiences (Calhoun, 2004). Moreover, he states that humankind acquires the capability to reason and progress through facts while observing and analyzing profoundly in the third stage. Finally, humans achieve proficiency in writing, language, and symbols in the last sage. These four steps allow humans to evolve genetically, individually, through signs and language. Lenski asserts that a common culture unites social members. The advancement of society depends upon the level of information, and further growth prospects offered to it (Boyd et al., 2013). He also proposed four levels of technological progress, which include physical efforts to overcome food insufficiency, food supply through plants, equilibrium between agriculture and technological measures to balance social order and division of labor, and the industrial revolution to improve production. These steps can contribute to the evolution of society, improving the condition of humankind, which results in their evolution.
Leslie White perceives technology as a cultural element as significant as ideology and sociology shaping society. Technology, ideology, and sociology are from the culture of any society, making it an integrated system. Leslie comprehends that society evolves and progresses with the contribution of its members who work and provide their input for its development. The work produced by a single member...
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