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EA System: Line of Business,Components, and Security and Privacy

Essay Instructions:

This class project is based on your chapter and class scenario homework, the textbook,SCIT content, OSUIT content, and your understanding of Enterprise Architectureprocesses. All students shall provide a single comprehensive report written in your ownwords that provides the current enterprise architecture for the School of Creative andInformation Technologies (SCIT) using the EA6 Framework.

• Class Project Content Requirements:o Line of Business Section

▪ Select One Line of Business(LoB) for SCIT (See Page117). Describe in detail what Line of Business you’veselected and what it does. Ensure that you have enoughinformation and knowledge to meet the requirementslisted below. If you can’t find enough content, you mustpick a different LoB.

▪ Describe at least two Vertical components thatsupport only your LoB (page 41)

▪ Describe at least two Horizontal (cross-cutting)components associated with your LoB thattouches at least one other LoB at OSUIT (Page41). Make sure to describe the other LoB(s) atOSUIT that it touches.

▪ EA Components Section

▪ Discuss your LoB, SCIT, and OSUIT content asthey relate to each other within the confines ofthe five enterprise architecture levels from thetop down (Page 123)

▪ Make sure to discuss EACHcomponent within EACH level▪ Include at least one uniquesupporting artifact for each levelassociated with your LoB.▪ The artifact needs to beappropriate for the level.(Pages 124,132, 134, 137,and 140)

▪ You can’t reuse the sametype of artifact for eachlevel. Example: You can’tprovide a Swim Line forthe artifact in Levels 1 and2.

▪ Security and Privacy Section

▪ Using an existing OSUITRisk Management,security plan, or policy,discuss how it does ordoes notincrease/maintain thesecurity and privacy ofyour LoB. If it doesn’tincrease/maintain thesecurity and privacy ofyour LoB, describe whatcan be done in the futureto accomplish this. If itdoes increase/maintainthe security and privacyof your LoB, explain howit does this.

▪ The OSUITposted privacynotice is notviabledocumentationfor this.

• Formatting Requirementso Title Page (make sure to include the list of group members)o Table of Contents (linked to content)o Introduction▪ Written in the 3rd▪ Introduce the content at a high level.o Main Body of Content

▪ Written in the 3rd This is a formal report and needs to bewritten as such. The main body of content should alsoinclude section headers. Link your table of contents tothese section headers.

▪ References that support your content in APA Style (Thepoint is to use a style that makes your document readableand gives credit to the sources you used.)

▪ Readable Artifacts

▪ Do not screenshot the entire desktop.Screenshot the artifact only. Points arededucted if it’s unreadable and not sizeappropriate for the page. You may need toorient some pages in landscape instead ofportrait to provide readable content.)

▪ Conclusion▪ Written in the 3rdperson

▪ Summarize the key takeaways.

▪ References Section that includes three or morereferenceso How long should it be?▪ Remember, it takes at least one paragraph to describeone complete thought. Each paragraph includes at least 5sentences and needs at least one reference to supportyour entire thought. It may take 3 paragraphs tocomplete your thought, and you may only have onereference supporting those 3 paragraphs, or you couldhave more

.▪ You must include enough information to provide detailedcontent and thoughts for the required sections.

▪ These are the minimums. Work submitted at this levelwill receive a C.

• You may reuse the work you submitted for homework assignments if it’sappropriate and you received all the points. If it didn’t receive all the points,you’d have to tweak it now to get all the points for this project.

• The final project is limited to your understanding as a studento I do expect you to document actual OSUIT enterprise architecturaldetails for the first two layers of the EA6 Framework (Goals &Initiatives and Products & Services). Details can be found on theOSUIT website within the OSUIT and SCIT Mission & Objectivessections and within the OSUIT Policies and Procedures section.o I do expect you to be able to capture the Data & Informationcontent relevant to SCIT processes you are familiar with as astudent such as:▪ Plan of study advising and course enrollment▪ Course management from a student perspective▪ Program application (how you first became a student inour program) and completion (graduation) procedureso I don’t expect you to document the specific infrastructure or systemback-end details…but I do expect you to document one or more ofthe basic network and/or system processes as appropriate such as:▪ The general route network traffic would take from ahome computer to systems such as Canvas or vSphere(device-router-gateway with perimeter defenses).▪ The primary systems we use as a school for enrollment,course management, and administration (like where westore transcripts) and how they are accessed

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Enterprise Architecture Course project
Table of Content

Table of Content

Table of Content 2 Introduction. 3 Line of Business (LOB) Section. 3 Vertical Component 3 Horizontal 3 EA Component Section. 4 Strategic Goals. 4 Workflows. 4 Data flow.. 5 Knowledge warehouse. 5 Data lakes/marts. 5 Object Library. 5 Systems. 5 Infrastructure. 5 Intranet and extranets. 5 Utilities and backup. 6 Facilities and equipment 6 Security and Privacy Section. 6 Conclusion. 6 References. 8
EA system is very crucial when establishing a new technology in an institution. Notably, several professions join forces to achieve an efficient system that may attain the desired objectives (Kotusev, 2019). In addition, the EA system requires frequent updates since technology is significantly dynamic (Gong et al., 2020). This paper shall include a comprehensive report regarding the EA system. In this case, these contents include the line of business, EA components, and security and privacy as it is applied in OSUIT.
Line of Business (LOB) Section
A LOB is a unique activity segment in a particular enterprise. An EA component consists of vertical and horizontal components. One of the LOB for SCIT is the technology services department. Notably, this line of business aims at providing centralized technology support services.
Vertical Component
The technology services department's goal is to advance technological applications in SCIT. Besides, SCIT students get clarification from this department regarding complex information system programs and systems.
The technology services department provides single-point contact services in other LOB in OSUIT, including SCIT and the School of Engineering and Construction Technologies department. In this case, the School of Engineering and Construction Technologies offers programs aiming to produce high-voltage lines, power plant technology, and design drafting technicians. In addition, this department also ensures that the knowledge students acquire is relevant to the current job market. Besides providing single-point contact services, the Technology Services department ensures students can implement, develop, and identify technology-based solutions.
EA Component Section
OSUIT has several lines of businesses, including the School of Arts, Science and Health, School of Transportation and Heavy Equipment, School of Engineering and Construction Technologies, and School of Creatives and Information Technology (SCIT) (OSUIT). In this segment, this paper shall evaluate the EA components in SCIT according to the five EA levels.
Strategic Goals
Foremost, one of the SCIT strategic plans is to nurture and enhance students’ technological and problem-solving skills. Besides, SCIT's goal is to ensure students apply cultural, social, legal, ethical, and professional movements during their careers to achieve a sustainable environment. Equally important, OSUIT has implemented strategic initiatives that guarantee the desired outcome through maximal compliance with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).
The next level is the workflow which contains the production process, administrative services, and marketing and sales (Bernard, 2020). First, OSUIT's school library and professional tutors ensure students access quality material to obtain the best information and knowledge to enhance their skills. Besides, the human resource department and two part-time students run the administrati...
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