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Sociology of Law Social Sciences Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

We have now covered a variety of theories, and concepts related to the sociology of law. You now have the chance to apply what we have learned to a topic of your own choosing. For this assignment, pick something of interest to you, briefly describe what you are focusing on (so I or someone else understand it), and then connect a concept or theory from class to that topic. For example:

If you are interested in LGBTQ rights, you may want to find a news story or a legal case related to transgender service members, the Supreme Court, adoption rights, etc. You would then briefly (1 – 2 paragraphs) explain the topic, case, or article; then you would clearly and concretely explain how a socio-legal theory or concept we have discussed relates to this topic. You may be interested in the portrayal of law or policy on TV/film. You could take an episode of a show or a movie as a case study, briefly explain the show/film, and then connect that specifically to a concept or theory.

You must use citations from the readings/videos and you must cite any outside source you use (an article, movie, etc.) Proper in-text citations in either ASA or APA format are required, you do not need a reference page. Short Paper 3 must be (2) full – (2.5) pages in length. Use Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced. Do not double space your header: All you need to include is your name, due date, class, and Short Paper 3 (again, single space your header)

I attached the class notes so you may pick one theory or concept from it. The disputing pyramid seems quite interesting. Don't pick any theory or concept of Max Weber. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Understanding the Sociology of Law
Institutional Affiliation:
Sociology of Law
The media excavates numerous sexual assault cases daily. Prominent individuals in society have been adversely affected when their names are mentioned. They resigned, be off the public limelight until their cases ended. Most do not find the courage to be in the limelight again as these stories taint their images forever. These cases are mostly handled by the organizations where these people work or courts of law. Society has, on several occasions, presumed the perpetrators as guilty. There are guiding frameworks provided by law under which these cases can be handled. However, logically, there seems to be more than the law to be considered in most cases. The human body is subject to biological demands and social determinants. These affect behavior and stretch to individuals’ psychological system. One fundamental question to respond to is the constant castigation of assumed sexual assaulters without examining the forces behind their behavior. This essay applies the concept of never-ending tension of law, examines the law's positivity and reality, and then examines why society does not pardon the presumed perpetrators by taking them through a habit rehabilitation process.
The several cases identified in the article points to actions that made the victims uncomfortable, felt bad, or took different steps. As legal positivism describes, these actions would be scientifically proven after serious examinations. The rationale behind this is to find the individuals culpable; then, they will be in jails. Realism, on the other hand, examines circumstances that led to the behaviors observed. It is possible to define ambiguity in these cases, as the ...
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