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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Social Sciences Essay: A critical review of ‘Back on the Board’ Greg Louganis

Essay Instructions:

Please select from the three titles below (1 title is included here and the other two are available on line through popular platforms)

If you choose one of the titles which are not linked you are responsible for locating and viewing through the platform of your choosing.

Pick one film and use the criteria below to construct a 2 Page film critique which summarizes the film shares your academic perspective and relates the content to the information shared and discussed in class.


Back on the Board Greg Louganis (2014)

A League of Their Own (1992)

FILM CRITIQUE PROJECT Goal: This aims to enhance the students’ ability to do critical thinking also to participate with others in discovery of new ideas, problems, and solutions that are understandable to everyone. Therefore, students are expected to participate in these discussions and to engage with their peers in the group by having an idea to share when they discuss a particular subject. This will improve students’ oral communication skills and develop confidence in public speaking.The topic may be an ethical issue, a historical issue or a gender issue, or discussion of social and economic class distinctions in athletic competitions, or any other topic that is related to sports and leisure in American society. Your presentation/discussion will be graded according to the following criteria.

Coherence of the discussion

Thoroughness and clarity of the discussion

please give a reference at the end.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A critical review of ‘Back on the Board’ Greg Louganis (2014)
Students Name
‘Back on the Board’ is an award-winning documentary film that follows the life of an acclaimed former diver and four-time Olympic champion Greg Louganis. What was a successful winning spree in the history of the sport quickly turns into a sad story when he hits his head on the diving board in 1988 prompting him to retire soon afterward. The film focuses and evaluates the plight of the Olympian on the verge of losing his home and in a bad financial state. As the name of the film implies, Greg Louganis amidst the revelations of being gay and HIV positive struggles to get ‘back on board’. The heart touching refreshing story is timely especially in an era when athletes' success is not only dependent on their hard work but their social, economic, and religious status. The essay seeks to carry out a critical analysis of the documentary film and evaluate what would have made it more effective for the audience.
The film's main strength lies in the rich storyline and it is credibility with Greg Louganis being the star of his own story. The audience can easily find a connection with the film because of the vivid memories and real emotions from the interviews with Greg Louganis and others who played a huge part in his life. The documentary cuts across the athlete's past and most recent events as it moves back and forth highlighting his past success and present lows. The rich storyline makes the film relevant in creating a spotlight around issues affecting athletes including financial troubles, public and media attention, and pressure, career disappointments, prejudice, stereotypes, and homophobia. To reach and tie a lar...
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