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UV/UVC in Commercial Buildings: A Research Proposal Essay

Essay Instructions:

The theme of future research is the Necessary of UV or UVC Light Limits Bacteria and Viruses in the commercial building

Please read the following text and related materials( upload file) to write a future research

For the purposes of advancing the use of UVGI technology control methods within building HVAC, there is a need more certainty by comprehensive and in-depth research and testing. And research would enable builders to provide effective as well as efficient systems. This enhances the engineers’ ability towards the creation of a safer indoor environment for employees or other occupants.

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UV/UVC in Commercial Buildings: A Research Proposal
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UV/UVC in Commercial Buildings: A Research Proposal
Traditionally, commercial unit design has accounted minimally for air quality controls indoors. In urban spaces, air pollution, primarily from vehicle exhaust emissions and industrial activity, inform design and deployment of air controls. In rural spaces, meanwhile, attention to indoor hygiene and sanitation practices is ad hoc and,often responsive to, as opposed to being
predictive of, emerging air quality challenges. The sight of sunlight seeping indoors and air drafts blowing curtains is perhaps a classic image in promoting units for potential customers. The unprecedented development in design innovations, dramatic climate changes and accelerating spread of infectious diseases and viruses have, however, introduced radical changes to air quality controls indoors, particularly in commercial settings.
Transparency has come to assume an increasingly, design speaking, dominant norm in unit concepts and layouts (consider floor-to-ceiling picture windows) and is, metaphorically, suggestive of a more hygienic and “airy” space. This shift in design concept has, indeed, actual implementations in air control practices using innovative methods. For instance, UV and UVC installations are now in wider use to provide more reliable air controls in closed and damp areas (Bahnfleth et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2017), medical facilities (Card et al., 2020; Matys, Grzech-Leśniak & Dominiak, 2020), water and/or food processing plants (Levetin, Shaughnessy, Rogers
* Scheir, 2001) and animal facilities (Eisenlöffel et al., 2019). The growing adoption of UV/UVC HVAC-compliant applications and devices, has, moreover, made UV/UVC more standardized as a practice of choice for a diversity of commercial and industrial facilities and organizations. Indeed, regulation might have spurned commercial and industrial entities to adopt UV/UVC to manage air quality in more environmentally-friendly and safer workplace (Menzies,


2003; Rodgers & Saputa, 2017) more quickly. Then again, utility of and increasingly cost-effectiveness of UV/UVC applications and devices in commercial facilities and organizations are making such innovations mainstream. The impact of poor air quality on workers, particularly in industrial and crowded spaces, is, already established in a growing body of literature, including, for instance, serious cardiovascular complications (An et al., 2018). Undisputedly, COVID-19 has made loud and clear air quality indoors as an indispensable measure. The flow of air in closed spaces, particularly spaces not adequately protected against bacteria/fungus/germ proliferation, shows, given more recent growing cases of COVID-19 infections in cramped spaces, why UV/UVC offers a kiss of life to commercial facilities wary of mounting costs of sanitation and enhanced safety and precautionary measures to keep COVID-19 in check (Guo, 2020). Moreover, UV/UVC applications and devices are apparently showing great promise across industries and organizational settings so much so efficiencies achieved in one context and/or application are increasingly applicable to many more contexts. This across-board applicability of UV/UVC applications and devices does not only make UV/UVC innovations a great leap into more optimized and cost-effective solutions to sanitation challenges in commercial settings but perhaps, more importantly, scalable innovations capable of constant configuration and adaptation to suit different, and often contradictory, purposes of commercial entities.
The growing shift to more mobile and portable applications makes UV/UVC innovations particularly useful under current strained economic conditions. Specifically, as more and more organizations adopt “nano-sized,” mobile installations, configurable across different systems, putting into effective use UV/UVC applications of agile and mobile features is apt to


eliminate redundancies, minimize costs and, of course, optimize sanitation practices in ways conventional space-consuming installations are no longer capable of achieving. The constant experimentation in spore germination in HVAC systems (Pigeot-Remy et al., 2013), elimination of volatile organic compounds in closed areas (Liu et al., 2019) and replacin...
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