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Assignment 3: Using a Sociological Approach

Essay Instructions:

1 ASSIGNMENT 3 USING A SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH Due Week 9: 120 points For your final assignment, you’ll complete a short answer activity in which you will review a research article to identify the research conclusion. Then, you’ll take another look at that conclusion from the perspective of one of the major sociological theories. Use the Assignment 3 template to complete this assignment. LEARN Read the Article: “Money, Not Access, Key to Resident Food Choices in ‘Food Deserts’ “ https://news.ncsu.edu/2017/03/money-fooddeserts-2017/ 1) What were the key findings and conclusion from the research? THEORY Remember: The four major sociological theories are Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, and Rational Choice Theory. 2) Choose one of the four major sociological theories— Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, or Rational Choice Theory. (Review Sections 1.8 - 1.12 in your webtext for more information.) a) In your own words, define the theory that you chose. b) Discuss how thistheory relatesto the research findings in the article. 2 EVALUATE 3) Use the article to help answer the questions below. a) What research method was used in the article? b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this research method? (Your response should be a paragraph of at least 5-7sentences.) See section 2.9 and table 2.1 ofthewebtextto review the advantages and disadvantages of the different research methods. c) What additional research should be conducted to learn more about the problem examined in the article? (Your response should be a paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences.) FORMATTING 4) Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Use the Assignment 3 template to complete this assignment. • References are notrequired forthis assignment as youwill use the assigned article and your webtext. • Be sure to include your name and the date on the cover page. 3 RUBRIC Grading for this assignment will be based on the following rubric: POINTS: 120 ASSIGNMENT 3: USING A SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH Criteria Exemplary 100% - A Proficient 85% - B Fair 75% - C Meets Minimum Expectations 65% - D Unacceptable 0% - F 1. Describe the key findings in the research study and the conclusion drawn from the research. Weight: 20% Accurately describes key findings and conclusion and includes supporting details. Demonstrates strong understanding by using sociology terms and providing logical, accurate, and concise information. Accurately describes key findings and conclusion and includes supporting details. Partially describes key findings and conclusion but some of the supporting details are missing. Inaccurately describes key findings or conclusion and supporting details are sparse. Does not describe the key findings and/or conclusion and does not provide supporting details. 2. Define a major sociological theory and relate it to the key findings or conclusion of the research. Weight: 40% Accurately defined a major sociological theory and related it to the key findings or conclusion of the research with supporting details. Demonstrates strong understanding by using sociology terms and providing logical, accurate, and concise information. Accurately defined a major sociological theory and related it to the key findings or conclusion of the research with supporting details. Partially defined a major sociological theory, or partially related it to the key findings or conclusion of the research, but some of the supporting details are missing. Inaccurately defined a major sociological theory, or inaccurately related it to the key findings or conclusion of the research and supporting details are sparse. Does not define a major sociological theory and does not relate it to the key findings or conclusion of the research. 4 POINTS: 120 ASSIGNMENT 3: USING A SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH Criteria Exemplary 100% - A Proficient 85% - B Fair 75% - C Meets Minimum Expectations 65% - D Unacceptable 0% - F 3. Identify the research method used in the article, explain the advantages and disadvantages of using that research method, and propose additional research ideas. Weight: 30% Identifies advantages and disadvantages that align with the key findings of the research, and provides additional research ideas that include supporting details. Demonstrates strong understanding by using sociolo- gy terms. Identifies advantages and disadvantages that align with the key findings of the research, and provides additional research ideas that include supporting details. Identifies advantages and disadvantages that don’t fully align with the key findings of the research, or provides additional research ideas that lack supporting details. Identifies only one advantage or disadvantage that does not fully align with the key findings of the research, and lacks additional research ideas and/or supporting details. Does not identify the advantages and disadvantages of using the research method, or does not provide additional research ideas. 4. Write in a skillful manner using stated formatting and correct grammar and spelling. Weight: 10% Writing is excellent. Tone is appropriate and demonstrates excellent word choice. Shows exceptional logic, clarity, and stated format- ting. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors. Writing is proficient. Tone is appropriate. Shows logic, clarity, and stated formatting. May contain few or no spelling and/ or grammatical errors. Writing is satisfactory. Appropriate and/or consistent tone is developing. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or stated formatting. May contain more than a fewspelling and/ or grammatical errors. Writing meets minimal standards. Tone is not appropriate. Lacking one or more of logic, clarity, and/or stated formatting. May contain many spelling and/ or grammatical errors. Writing doesnot meet minimal standards. Tone is not appropriate. Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or stated formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammat- ical errors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 3: Using a Sociological Approach
(Student name)
(Professor’s name)
Introduction to Sociology
Learn(Write a paragraph of at least 5 to 7 sentences answering the following questions.)
* Although accessing healthy foods is a challenge, affording those foods is a bigger challenge. In neighborhoods where majority of low-income earners live, foods prices are higher than in supermarkets. Furthermore, neighborhood stores do not sell fresh food and have a limited range of food options. As a result, majority of people travel to supermarkets to purchase food regardless of the distance. Although going to supermarkets ensures people have fresh food, the travelling expenses contribute to financial problems of low-income earners.What were the key findings from the research? Be sure that you are answering in your own words
Theory(Write 2 paragraphs of at least 5 to 7 sentences each answering the following questions.)
* Choose one of the four major sociological theories—Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, or Rational Choice Theory.
(Review Sections 1.8 - 1.12 in your Webtextfor more information.)
* In your own words, definethe theory that you chose.
* The rational choice theory indicates that people use rational information to make rational choices that reflect their personal objectives. Rational actors form the basis of the theory because they are what make it effective. When applied, the rational choice theory result in outcomes that provides people with the highest degree of satisfaction and benefits. As a result, the theory is also closely associated with the concepts of the invisible hand and self-interest. Economists use the rationality assumption to understand economic behaviors of different people in society.Rational choice theory asserts that people use rational information to make decisions that increase their economic advantage and minimize their losses. In the study, people from neighborhoods prefer to purchase food items from supermarkets. This preference is based on two key pieces of information; food prices in supermarkets are lower and s...
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