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Case Study: Local Government and Salt Lake County

Essay Instructions:

In Case Study 2, you will apply theories of local government administration and leadership theories to a particular local government (city, county, or town) public administration case.

What type of interpersonal skills are needed to effectively administer local agencies? Apply these skills to actual events, decisions, and characters in the case. Use course readings from your textbook, PowerPoints, presentations, and outside journal readings.

General Guidelines:

Case Study scenarios must be taken from documented (published) public administration contexts; no hypotheticals are allowed. Students can focus on one particular local public organization or may refer to a particular situation (well-documented by the research) that many local public administrators face.

All ideas shared by the student must be supported with sound reason and citations from the required readings, presentations, and additional research. Integrate Biblical principles in your analysis not at the end. The paper should be 4-5 pages of content in length (not counting the title page or references), double-spaced, and in APA format.


PPOG 626






Case Study 2 Instructions



This course requires 4 Case Study assignments. In Case Study 2, you will apply your theories of local government administration and leadership theories to a particular local government (city, county, or town) public administration case.

What type of interpersonal skills are needed to effectively administer local agencies? Apply these skills to actual events, decisions, and characters in the case. Use course readings from your textbook, PowerPoints, presentations, and outside journal readings.

General Guidelines:


Case Study scenarios must be taken from documented (published) public administration contexts; no hypotheticals are allowed. Students can focus on one particular local public organization or may refer to a particular situation (well-documented by the research) that many local public administrators face.

All ideas shared by the student must be supported with sound reason and citations from the required readings, presentations, and additional research.  Integrate Biblical principles in your analysis not at the end. The paper should be 4-5 pages of content in length (not counting the title page or references), double-spaced, and in APA format.

All required readings and presentations the Course modules must be cited.


3-5 additional sources must be used. Wikipedia may not be used (though certainly the student is welcome to review its content), and informal blogs are not appropriate. Governing magazine, ICMA magazine, and casebooks are helpful resources for your cases.

This paper is due on Sunday at 11:59 pm (EST) of Module/Week 4.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Local Government Administration and Leadership: A Case Study of Salt Valley County
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Executive Summary
The following report has applied theories of local government along with leadership qualities on a local government case study. The case of Salt Lake County is analyzed in this report. Specifically, County Criminal Justice Advisory Council CJAC is the public administrative organization considered below. Despite intensive and systematic efforts, CJAC is encountering crises. Thus, the report has analyzed important reasons and placed the recommendation accordingly.
The findings suggest that CJAC is making sufficient efforts to assist residents (with criminal records) of Salt Valley County. However, the agency encounters crises such as limited data, lack of criminal justice laws of employment, and least confidence in the eligible residents. In response, the report has presented comprehensive solutions and an action plan to boost the efficacy of CJAC.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc55918664 \h 2Case Study Background PAGEREF _Toc55918665 \h 4Body of Analysis PAGEREF _Toc55918666 \h 5Alternative Solutions PAGEREF _Toc55918667 \h 6Conclusion and Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc55918668 \h 7Implementation Plan PAGEREF _Toc55918669 \h 8
Local Government Administration and Leadership: A Case Study of Salt Valley County
Case Study Background
Salt Lake County determined assistance to the resident with criminal records in recent years. The local government estimated that residents with a criminal record are 50% least likely to be called for an interview or offered a job opportunity. In response, Salt Lake County Mayor's Office and Salt Lake County Criminal Justice Advisory Council (CJAC) designed strategies for helping eligible individuals in expunging their criminal records.
In response, Ben McAdams seek a collaboration with community partners to formulate a one-day Expungement Day clinic (Study Case, 2018). Correspondingly, County sought massive support from residents with criminal records, peculiarly the one who was suffering homelessness. Mayor's office, CJAC, Catholic Community Services, and Utah State Bar Foundation were key public administrative organizations that worked together for the cause. Consequently, a fund of $20,000 was raised before the event was inaugurated. The funds were used to conquer the expungement fees for eligible participants. Eligibility criteria were non-involvement in criminal activities in the last seven years (after previous criminal records).
As a response, 471 calls and emails were received by CJAC, out of which 52 were deemed to be eligible for expungement. In the broader context, a comprehensive awareness was spread across the community. Subsequently, Expungement Day was used as a benchmark for formulating new policy reforms termed as "Clean Slate." A bill in correspondence was also proposed. Besides, technology inducement to provide automatic relief (for eligible participants only) was also suggested.
According to the theoretical framework, the primary purpose of local government is to integrate governing forces and local people (Emerson, 2018). Specifically, the democratic, participatory theory indicates that local governments are responsible for designing democratic, health, political, and educational opportunities for the local citizens (Erlingsson & Ödalen, 2017).
Precisely, good interpersonal skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, negotiation, responsibility, and empathy are needed for administering a city effectively (Erlingsson & Ödalen, 2017). Based on the stated theoretical preference, CJAC has acted concurringly. Concerning the interpersonal skills of an effective administrating agency, CJAC indicated a vital role. At first, the agency tool initiative by empathetically understanding issues of local residence (with criminal records). Second, the organization made negotiable initiatives to assist its residents. Third, CJAC collaborated to form a team for criminal justice (Study, Case, 2018). Lastly, the outcome of Expungement Day is responsively recorded by CJAC for future assistance.
Another essential attribute of a local governing administrative firm is the operational structure. The governing structure indicates a framework that regulates the functioning and strategic decisions of an administrative organization (Stare & Maja, 2018). The governing structure of CJAC is composed of four phases. Namely, Initiative and Priorities, Expungement Assistance Tool Kit, Advisory Council, and Criminal Justice Resource Directory (CJAC, 2020). Briefly, the local administrative organization (CJAC) conduct initiatives and set priorities. In response, the Expungement...
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