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Riots and Social Injustices: Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write about the current example of riot behaviors presently happening in the United States. What are some of the perceived social injustices that the riots are a reaction against?

Minimum 500 words.

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Riots and Social Injustices
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Riots and Social Injustices
Riots are violent protests organized by a group of people to express their displeasure on a particular issue or social injustice. In fact, social injustice is the primary cause of riots in the US. They influence people to go to the streets and engage in violent activities like the destruction of property to communicate their dissatisfaction.
Current Example of Riot Behavior in the United States
The year 2020 has been accompanied by a series of riots and protests in the United States following police brutality towards African Americans. This act has been termed as systematic racism, which has stirred several protests in various states. The current example of riot behaviors currently happening in the United States is violent protests presently held in the US streets due to police brutality against black people. The United States is soon abandoning a peaceful protest envisioned in the constitution for violent protests, which is a kind of rioting.
A riot refers to a violent uprising or wild interference by a mob as an expression of dissatisfaction. It is characterized by vandalism, theft, and arson. It is different from a peaceful protest that involves matching on the street to display displeasure. Lately, the United States has encountered violent protests caused by systemic racism by police against the black community. In particular, civil unrest has occurred over police brutality that led to the death of a forty-six-year-old African American known as George Floyd, who was choked to death on May 25 by Minneapolis police (bbc.com).
Floyd's death triggered unrest in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area and swift...
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