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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
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Poverty and Social Inequality in the Society Research

Essay Instructions:

How do we explain inequality and poverty in our society? Why do these problems exist? Think structurally about poverty. What social factors, not individual factors, may contribute to the poverty of employed persons? 
Imagine an alien from outer-space heard the same three low-wage profiles on her radio that you just listened to on NPR. She asks you to explain to her why these three people have not been able to achieve “The American Dream” despite working diligently. Respond with a sociological explanation. Then respond to your classmates’ explanations as if you are the alien.
Listen: NPR: Profiles in Low Wage America. Select three (3) stories
•Read: Sociological Perspectives on Homelessness
•Read Hodson & Sullivan Chapters 14, 15 & 16

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Poverty and Social Inequality in the Society
Institutional Affiliation
Poverty and social inequality in the society
Poverty refers to the lack of purchasing power of an individual to acquire the necessities like clothing, food, and shelter. Absolute poverty occurs due to the inability to obtain enough resources to support a required level of physical health. Secondly, relative poverty is a result of citizens of a nation failing to afford a minimum living standard as determined by the government and afforded by a larger portion of the population (Bartle, 2013). Social inequality in the society is due to uneven distribution of opportunities to the diverse social groups within the community. A further explanation bases on the amount of income, wealth, power, race, education level and occupational prestige (Walker, 2009).
Many factors contribute to poverty and inequality in a particular society. History adds significantly to the existence of the problems; many countries were colonies, and its people were prevented from accessing resources like land, capital and education adding to the poverty levels. Political instabilities and war also contribute to poverty and i...
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