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Prepare an International Review for the Sociology of Sports

Essay Instructions:

Project 2 asks you to conduct a systematic library research project on a topic which relates to the sociology of the workplace. You choose the topic you want to study. Are you interested in job satisfaction, gender inequality in the workplace, sexual harassment or occupational socialization? Perhaps you would like to research the household division of labor, the global assembly line or the glass ceiling? Consult the syllabus and course materials for additional ideas. You are to write a detailed annotated bibliography on this topic by consulting ten (10) scholarly sociology journals. 
An annotated bibliography is an alphabetical (by author’s last name) list of references (on a specific topic) which is followed by an “annotation” or brief summary and review of each article. An annotation is typically 150-200 words in length and describes the content and focus of the article. It should outline the content relevant to your topic and indicate the quality and accuracy of the research reported. In essence, each entry should inform the reader about the topic of the article, its quality and its relevance to your topic. An annotation is NOT the abstract of an article. It is a brief summary and commentary of the information in the article. For more information on annotated bibliographies please check out the website: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/
The annotated bibliography should reference ten (10) recent (year 2000 and forward) sociology journals. You are welcome to consult additional sources beyond this article requirement

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Review for the Sociology of Sports
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
International Review for the Sociology of Sports
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Women in sport: The State of Play 2013. Perspectives on Sport. Online: /ausstats/abs@.nsf/Products/4156.0.55.001~June+2013~Main+Features~Women+in+Sport+The+State+of+Play+2013
The article addresses many issues ranging from the health benefits of participating in sports to the number of women employed in sports sections. Despite the health benefits, the article also analyzes the societal community benefits such as social interaction and integration. The study notes that much participation improves and reinforces social networks and sustains the community’s interaction with others. The study analyzes the number of women who participates in sport activities in Australia. Also the study analyzes the type of sport most women participate in the country. The study can be used to establish the sport that most women feel comfortable in participating. However, the study included an aspect other studies have been ignoring, the number of women who attend sport events in the country. It was noted that female attendance at sport events tends to decrease with an increase in age. Additionally, the study also analyzed the type of sport that is most popular among women. Like other studies, the article analyzed the number of female who are employed in sport occupations. The study noted that women are not well presented in sport occupations. The study addresses a range of issues that will be helpful in understanding the participation and gender equity in sports.
Good A. (2015). When it comes to women in sports, TV news tunes out. USCNews. Online:
The article analyzes different studies done by different organizations. One study conducted by USC noticed that the coverage of women’s sports has not changed much from previous decades despite the fact that more women participate in sports in various levels. Findings from a survey that was done by Los Angeles broadcast affiliates and ESPN’s SportsCenter revealed that coverage of women sports is less than in the past. All the time, there has been an increase in men’s sports from the previous decades. The study noted that most broadcasters devote most of their sport reports on men sports. This present a 68% increase from 2009. Another study that was analyzed is titled “It’s Dude Time: A quarter century of excluding women’s sports in televised news and highlight shows”, from this study it was noted that even during the coverage of women’s sports, the exclamations by sport announcers prompted the researchers to ask: “when is it not ‘dude time?’” It was also noted that even the women sports are rarely covered and when they are being covered, they are delivered in a different way from that of men. The study also noted that as women’s sports gets little coverage, different unpopular stories hit the media. The article is trying to push the agendas of the analyzed studies of bringing equity in the society as a whole.
Lopiano, A., D. Media coverage of Women’s Sports is important. Sports Management Resources. Online: https://news.usc.edu/82382/when-it-comes-to-women-in-sports-tv-news-tunes-out/
The author of this article emphasizes on the importance of covering women’s sports in the media. The author states that the media plays a critical role in shaping the perceptions of the public about women’s sports. It also shapes the dreams and aspirations of females. The author demonstrates how media coverage of women’s sports can help in shaping the dreams and aspirations of women. The author also talks about the pay gap in sports and how media coverage will help to reduce the gap. Like other articles, the author also addresses the issue of inconsistency in the coverage of women’s sports. The author concludes the article by discussing the benefits that other third parties will get from women’s sport coverage. The article helps to address the whole issue of gender inequality in sports as well.
Magowan, A. (2015). Women’s World Cup: Why are there so few female coaches? Women’s Football, BBC Sport Football. Online: /sport/football/33323102
The author of the article addresses the reasons why there few female coaches. The coaching profession is dominated by men. The author theorizes that women are hesitant to take coaching positions and live the live cultural live. The study noted that some women are afraid to try coaching. Also, women are get harassed by the men that they coach or their partners either sexually or based on gender issues. Also, the popularity of the sport increases competition for such professions. To start with, despite the fact women’s sports exist, they are unpopular and so are the coaches in those sports. This is due to the low level of media coverage. Sometimes people do not even know whether they exist. The article notes that lack of role models also contributes to the small number of women coaches. Unlike girls, boys have several role models in sports who even prompt them to participate in sports. Girls lack this and they do not get the motivation boys get. The article concludes by recommending some solutions that can be used to address this issue of the existence of few women in sports. One of the recommendations is the implementation of Fifa’s rule that demands all under-17’ women teams be coached by females. The article provides an insight on the underrepresentation of women in sports.
Netivist. (2016). Gender inequality in sports: are professional athletes’ salaries fair for women? Online https://netivist.org/debate/gender-inequality-in-sports
The articles addresses gender inequality in sports by focusing pay gap between male and female athletes. The article notices that salaries for athletes significantly vary across the genders. The article uses the statistics from Forbes’ list “The World’s Highest Paid Athletes 2015”. From the statistics it is evident that there is inequality in salaries between the athletes. Accordin...
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