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What The US Can Do To Improve Its Relations With the Middle East Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

Hello, this is the question you need to answer:

"Now that you have considered US foreign policy and how it has impacted the Middle East (including relations with specific countries), and as you have also gained greater knowledge of the US foreign policy making process, your assignment is to write a 3-5 page paper (properly cited) about what the US can do to improve its relations with the Middle East as a whole. Keep in mind, this is not to be a polemic piece about what you think the US SHOULD do, but rather a thoughtful, policy-oriented piece about what the US CAN do given the history of US involvement in the Middle East, the policy constraints inherent to the US system, and influences on the policy making process in the US."

Please see the following video ont he future of U.S.-Iraqi relations: https://www(dot)atlanticcouncil(dot)org/event/whats-next-for-us-iraq-relations/

Please watch the following video from 1990, on how the US viewed Iraq during the first Bush administration: https://www(dot)c-span(dot)org/video/?12056-1/us-iraq-relations

Please watch the following video on US-Iran relations: https://www(dot)cfr(dot)org/event/us-iran-relations-past-present-and-future

Please watch the following video from the Council on Foreign Relations about US-Syrian relations: https://www(dot)cfr(dot)org/event/syria-state-conflict-and-us-policy

Please watch this video from 10 years after the 9/11 attack, and the panelists comments about the ongoing “War on Terror” – https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?app=desktop&v=G2eANNmJGsk&list=PL7AF93DBCD61D97E6&index=35

Please watch this video from 2017 that highlights some of the issues surrounding the so-called “War on Terror” – https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=6Ms6HmpWp5g

These are the websites and videos that you should give reference from, also I will upload some files. Please follow the instructions which professor is asking, and choose this work if you think you can write in the best way because it is very important for me and my grade. Once again please do not use any other source. Thank you from now.

Also, max files for uploading here is 20, so I could not upload all of them there, but i uploaded the rest here in the link. https://dropmefiles(dot)com/71FFn

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What The US Can Do To Improve Its Relations With the Middle East
A lot happens on the geopolitical platform, so much to an extent that the global economy and wellbeing relies on it. Nations have so often disagreed or agreed on various matters, which in turn sets off a chain of events that affect even the normal citizen on the ground. The most divisive of these issues are matters to do with global security. The U.S. has had quite a strained relationship with most Middle- Eastern countries, such as Iraq and Iran due to its policy there. Ever since the war on terror began in the aftermath of the 9/11 bombing, the U.S. policy towards this region has always ensured that some toes will be stepped on. However, with the current rends n technological sophistication and increased external threats, the U.S. needs a greater degree of introspection so as to improve its relations with the ...
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