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COVID Pandemic: Impacts on Globalization

Essay Instructions:

Hello, this is the question:

"For the past nearly 18 months, the world has been dealing with the global pandemic brought by the spread of the coronavirus. Governments, IGOs, and INGOs have worked both independently and together to try and fight the spread of the virus, with varying degrees of success. Write a 3-5 page paper (properly cited) on how the coronavirus pandemic is a reflection of the processes of globalization, and how the response to the pandemic reflects both the successes and failures of globalization.

As with any normative paper, it is a combination of both how you think it affected and also what we studied in class. You should state your opinion, but it should be an informed opinion based on knowledge that you have gained from the class (readings, lectures, videos, discussions). You should be able to demonstrate the ability to synthesize information/fact with opinion to make a coherent argument."

First of all, please choose this task if you really think you can write your best, it really needs to be written in perfect way because I need to get full marks. Secondly, give references only from what I upload. Please follow the instructions carefully and write in the way he is asking. Thanks you, good luck!

Please watch this video on globalization and migration. It is a bit long, but very good in discussing the issue. Please note that you will hear voices but not see any video. It is a technical issue from the poster:


Please watch the following video on the role civil society organizations have in the globalization process: https://unctad(dot)org/news/civil-society-calls-more-honest-narrative-about-benefits-trade

Please see the following article assigned for your Week 9 reading:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

COVID Pandemic: Impacts on Globalization
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COVID Pandemic: Impacts on Globalization
Globalization is a unification process spurred by the unprecedented growth of technology and means of communication and trade. Globalization is an ongoing process that makes people more and more interconnected and interdependent at various levels such as trade, culture, economics, and communication. Regardless of the expansive nature of globalization, its growth or shrinking depends upon many factors. One recent phenomenon is the emergence of anti-globalization tide that encourages the internalization of trade and commerce. Unexpected events such as an outbreak of disease further hamper the pace of globalization at various levels. For instance, the emergence of the outbreak of SARS in 2002 brought about profound upheavals at the social, economic, and political level and decelerated the process of globalization (Suarez-Orozco & Qin-Hilliard, 2019).
Similarly, the most recent pandemic of COVID 19 has also caused two-way effects on globalization trends. At the communication level, this pandemic has enhanced global contact at various levels; on the other hand, it has also markedly reduced global trade and negatively impacted education. Since detrimental effects of this pandemic on the wave of globalization may prove fatal for the future of humanity, this essay aims to analyze the two aspects of this pandemic to evaluate the extent and nature of its impact on globalization and to suggest possible remedial measures.
The COVID 19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes in human society's social, political, economic, religious, and moral fabric. In many ways, this pandemic has accelerated the already ongoing process of globalization and digitization of human societies. Measures such as the imposition of lockdown and restricted movement have compelled people to stay indoors and carry out their routine business through digital and online platforms. Since traditional ways of communication and public dealing are being discouraged, people worldwide are resorting to the Internet for almost all of their daily life activities. Indeed, even before the pandemic, the rapid growth and availability of the Internet worldwide and easy and inexpensive availability of means of communication such as cell phones had already expedited the expansion of globalization. Furthermore, increased online interaction of people at the individual level, social level, and national level had already grown substantially and signaled the increasing influence of globalization (Bloom, 2004). It implies that contemporary developments of technology and the ubiquity of modern artifacts support the process of globalization.
However, the surge of the COVID 19 pandemic has brought about an unexpected expansion in global communication, and it appears that the world is shifting towards living in a virtual world forever. Online communication now dominates almost all aspects of a person's individual, professional and social life. It is more than likely that this new way of life will further take root in human societies since the end of the pandemic is not foreseeable shortly. An increase in rapid communication is one of the most critical factors contributing to the expansion and sustenance of globalization; however, this global pandemic compelled even the most skeptic, indigenous, traditional, and backward societies and individuals to become a part of a highly integrated global communication network.
One of the advantages of this global communication network is that it facilitates expatriates to keep in touch with their respective cultures and traditions. For the same reason, people of diverse ethical and religious backgrounds are happily becoming a part of this network (Jenkins, 2004). All of the above advantages of online communication have made it a most preferred means of communication during the pandemic, as witnessed all around. Online stores are having a heyday; online trade and commerce have boosted significantly; online banking operations are now more prevalent than ever, and online education has become part and parcel of learning activities at all levels. All of these facts indicate that one of the positive offshoots of the COVID 19 pandemic is the unprecedented expansion of global communication, and this factor has contributed significantly towards the growth and wide-range acceptance of globalization.
International trade is the most significant aspect of globalization, and it is, in fact, the driving force behind the origin and expansion of globalization. Re...
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