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Plans and Policies to Manage Global Population Growth

Essay Instructions:

The Hypothetical Scenario

Note: Please be aware this scenario does not reflect current conditions.

Global population will rise to approximately 10 billion by 2100. Developing nations' total fertility rates (TFR) are around 3 children for each woman; whereas, TFR for more developed nations has dropped to less than 2 children. At the same time for all nations, life expectancy (LE) has risen to 80 years for most of the world except for Sub-Saharan Africa which the LE has risen to 60 years.

Your job is to solve the global population problem by limiting the total number of people to less than or around 9 billion by 2100. How might you accomplish this as a demography policy planner? Which region(s) of the world will you concentrate your plans and policies? Develop a three-point plan and justify your reasoning based on information acquired from the reading and videos.

A helpful hint is for you to formulate your essay by the following:


general overview

region of population policies and justification

define terms (you decide which terms should be defined)

thesis statement


policy 1 & justification

policy 2 & justification

policy 3 & justification


restate purpose of essay & thesis statement

summarize items from 2a to 2c

concluding statement

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Global Population
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Global Population
The global population is rising by approximately 1.5 percent annually, a growth rate that will double the number of people living on the planet presently if it remains constant (UN, 2017). Africa as a continent has the highest birth rates globally, and this number is projected to duplicate in a few years. Hence, policies should be reinforced to ensure the population is within the planet’s capacity of sustainability without straining the available resources. This paper will discuss plans and policies to manage global population growth.
Policies towards Limiting Population Growth in Africa
Empowering women fabricates the core of controlling population growth in Africa. This can be achieved through educating and encouraging women politically, socially, and economically. Education opens up a world of opportunity to girls and young women in the mentioned aspects of life (Gatzweiler et al., 2017). It spurs the young generation to plan smaller families and seek contraceptives as they seek to fulfill their full potential. Empowered women have the power to manage their own lives and are therefore able to have children later in life and with whom they want. According to studies, uneducated women in Africa bear an average of 5.4 children, while women who have completed college and further studies have an average of 2.2 children (UN, 2017). This gap explains the impact that education has on women and hence population growth.
Legislation on the number of children per woman would also be essential towards limiting population growth. This will require the governments of the overly populated sub-Sahara African countries to revise the laws and set a standard for the number of children per family. The government in countries such as China, India, and Iran reinforced this policy, and the results were a decline in the fertility rate. In China, a on...
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