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Community and Community Organization

Essay Instructions:

I will upload a word version document format assignment to you, because this assignment is related to the 6 discussion posts. And you need to follow the format in my word document and answer the blank questions. because they are related to assignment 3 that you wrote for me. I already highlighted it in the word document. 

For the final part assignment #4, you must go through all the discussion posts and write a brief introduction and conclusion about what you learned from this component of the course called "Community Organizations and Education".

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion posting #1 June 23: The purpose of Discussion Posting #1, the Introduction (Due date by midnight June 23, 2021), is twofold:
a. To provide a brief introduction of yourself, some personal interests or aspects, which give us a glimpse of the whole person and your interests and passions.
b. The second part of this posting is to provide a beginning provisional definition of the concepts of: "community"; "community organization"; "research"; and "education". 
Hello my classmates, 
My name is ____________, and it's a pleasure to be in this class with you all. I am currently enrolled in ______________ fourth grade in general education. When I was in grade 11, I was more interested in becoming a doctor than in becoming an educator. Since the doctor's dream started, the more I studied, the more I loathed it, and I lost my way. I understand that being a doctor is an excellent and competent career, but I realized this was not the path I wanted for my future. A routine day has arrived, as is customary. I noticed an advertisement depicting African children living in abject poverty, deprived of resources and education, their eyes wide with yearning and hopelessness.
From that day forward, I have researched several studies on children who come from impoverished backgrounds. I discovered that the majority of children have lost their pedagogy and lack the ability to complete or acquire knowledge. Knowledge is another sort of key that might unlock their situation, and they lack it. On that day, I decided to become an educator and wanted to work with UNICEF to help more children who grow up in impoverished societies with limited access to education.This is a dream that I am passionate about and I am eager to complete it in the future.
1 According to the dictionary, a community is a group of people who live in an area, but a more nuanced understanding of community is the sense of togetherness, the sense of identification and belonging that come with "community," and how communities influence our understanding of what "good" and "bad" mean. For instance, our community affects our concept of what it means to be a good neighbor; our common understanding of how we should treat others in this area. The term "community" is separate from other social groups such as "society" and "family."
2 It aims to eliminate individual distinctions, create a sense of shared purpose and sacrifice, and also to engage collectively in community activities. To organize the community's citizens for the purpose of promoting and advancing the community.
3 The act of researching is the process of obtaining new information. This knowledge may be the result of the creation of new ideas or the progression of current information and theories, resulting in a previously unknown understanding.
4 Education is about gaining knowledge on your own and contributing it to society or molding you into the person you want to be.
Discussion posting #2 a (due June 28th) and b (due June 29th).  This discussion posting takes up where Discussion posting #1 left off and previews your Assignment #1:  Are you going to explore the idea of community and community organizations generally or are you planning to focus on one particular organization? If the latter, where and how will you find a community organization that you would like to explore further? What three POSSIBLE community organizations interest you right now? What particular aspect(s) of these community organizations would you like to explore? (300 words max). As well, for part 2b, respond specifically and positively to a colleague's posting. (150 words) within the following week. And please chose someone who has not had a response yet if possible.
2a.) I'd want to focus my efforts on a specific group since I've shown my interest in and love for this particular organization, Loft community service in Toronto. LOFT Community Services provides hope and support to those who are dealing with severe mental and physical health problems, addictions, dementia, homelessness, or who are at risk of becoming homeless via a variety of programs and services. LOFT is an acronym that stands for Leap of Faith Together, and we go where few others have gone before, meeting unmet needs. Their role is to assist them in living independently, whether at home or in our care facilities. These people are here to help people like myself who are trying to make it through society and participate in activities such as relationships, friendship, and school. Individuals of different ages have found it easier to integrate into diverse systems of support since they have been split into three sections: young adults, adults, and elderly citizens, among others. In order to do a more thorough investigation on this organization, I would look into how many individuals they have saved from it as well as how many programs they offer for people suffering from a variety of mental disorders. As well as what their intentions are for such a huge number of individuals engaged in this group, I would want to know what they are. What resources are they making available to their members, and what is the next step for them if they don't succeed is something to consider.
2b.)Hey Christina!I deeply respect your clear grasp of these three community organizations. I observed you would investigate CMHA, which is a mental illness organization, and it is comparable to the one I selected, named LOFT. I am pleased someone will have the same concept as me of care and thoroughly exploring resources from these sorts of community organizations and to observe how they assist the community. I also noticed that you are going to investigate a community organization called pathway education, and you expressed your enthusiasm for it because it is related to education and our major in education, and I felt ashamed of myself for not having any community organizations related to education, but it inspired me because I am an educator too. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us, and I truly enjoyed reading your post
Discussion posting #3 July 5 (a) share a sample course text chapter or article response or video from your literature review; and (b) by midnight July 6th, respond specifically and positively to a colleague's posting. (150 words) 
3a.) I selected Cormac Russell's TEDxExeter video "Sustainable community development: from what's wrong to what's strong," because it has shifted my perspective on a range of issues, which was important to me at the time. Start with something which is effective, such as forming an interest group and getting people together who have a common interest in the topic. What technologies are being used to link people who have the same goal and interest? Is there an app that can bring people together who have the same goal and interest? I believe that the long-term viability of the project/interest group that has been established is also a challenge. I sincerely hope that many people get to view this. My inspiration has been sparked by the discourse about "changing a country, starting with individuals who bring forth their talents." It simply widened my perspective and multiplied threefold the limitless potential in my neighborhood. This TEDtalk video underlines the significance of the question, "How can we assist individuals in living a decent life?" To begin, Cormac suggests that we should build on the things that are already strong in soc...
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