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Race, Class, Gender And Sexuality, Ability, Ethnicity and the Intersectionality Theory

Essay Instructions:


long time no see, I think you did a good job, so I decide to choose you as my writer again.

Assignment Requirement:

Big Picture Question: How are race, class, gender and sexuality, ability, ethnicity, etc. positioned intersectionally to construct racial differences? Your answer should include the following:

1) A brief explanation of the role of analogies and metaphors in constructing intersectional difference, and 2 examples from the reading for this week;

2) Briefly discuss how settler colonialism and race/gender/sexuality intersections were used to construct Native Americans as "Other." Make sure to detail the relationships constructed between each element to do so;

3) Provide one example of how intersections of identity were used to construct poor whiteness as abnormal? Why is the construction of abnormal whiteness not the same as the construction of racial abnormality?

4) Do your own research to find a current example of a person or group of people experiencing intersectional oppression along lines of race, class, gender, ability, sexuality, etc. Provide a web link to or citation for the information you found about the person/group.

I put those resources in the following files. Please read carefully. Thank you so much for your help. If there is something unclear, please let me know.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 4: Race, Class, Gender And Sexuality, Ability, Ethnicity
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Assignment 4: Race, Class, Gender And Sexuality, Ability, Ethnicity
Intersectionality theory is applicable to understand social inequalities by sexuality, class, ethnicity, gender, and race. It is based on the analysis of power relations and inspired by heterosexism, classism, patriarchy, and racism. Analogies are defined as the perspective held by a marginalized person or group (Stepan & Gilman, 2018). The metaphors describe the layered blanket of oppression that marginalized people encounter at the intersection of colonialism, racism, and patriarchy.
Each person or group is in a social position that entails an interreacting structure of oppression understood by the metaphor of intersectionality (Hartigan, 2005). This is where race and gender are treated as mutually exclusive. The first example is Ismamphphoa. Islamic women undergo discrimination because they are female and due to their religion (Elia, 2006). A second example is the meanings and labels assigned to whites who had relationships with Indians. These whites were regarded as getting at risk of being ethnically and morally redefined. In addition, these whites were considered to be disloyal to native-white conflicts (Nagel, 2003). Thus, due to intersectionality, native women are harmed either due to race discrimination or sex discrimination.
The settler colonialism and race/gender/sexuality interactions were also used to construct the Native Americans as "Other." The sexual depictions of the native Americans led to a general perspective about Indian life as culturally and morally inferior to American and European societies. The Indians were presented as sexually dangerous. This was used to justify the conflicts against the native communities and remove Indians from locations picked by whites for settlement. The Native Indians were regarded as an "Other" since they were ranked inferior sexually. The gender was also used to construct Native Americans as "Other." For example, white men with sexual relations with Indian women were regarded as risks to white morality and not white security. Sexual relationships with Indian women were regarded as degrading despite the widespread sexual contact between the two. Race intersections were also used to construct Native Americans as "other" base...
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