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The Implicit Association Test

Essay Instructions:

student are required to take the Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) for the following - Skin Tone, Race and any other module( I choose to do the sexuality test since a lot of my friends are from LGBTQ group)

I've attached the syllabus, requirements and my results from the tests. you should also take a look at the test and how it works before you start the assignment. Here is the link:https://implicit(dot)harvard(dot)edu/implicit/takeatest.html

Complete the Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) for the following - Skin Tone, Race and any other module,  in whichever order you prefer. After completing it, write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on your results for each test:

What were your results?

How do you feel about them?

Any surprises?

Your response should be at least 2 pages in length (double-spaced, 12-point font).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work
Course code:
Social Work
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures the strength of association between concepts such as race, gender, and stereotypes. It intends to decipher certain attitudes that a person is oblivious to or unwilling to think about. Implicit attitudes can be positive or negative based on the environment, societal or religious background of an individual I was raised in. The attitudes are often less accessible to one's conscious, especially if it is attached to past trauma or something considered shameful. This essay reflects an IAT test that I took on race, skin tone, and sexuality.
Skin tone refers to the surface color of the skin. The color of one's skin plays an important role in the lives of Americans and the trajectory of their lives. For over 60 years, African Americans have been the main evidence that skin color can grant you advantages and attract prejudice. Historical and contemporary literature shows that the black skin color of African Americans has influenced societal attitudes, which has translated into their treatment. In my Implicit Association Test (IAT), the highest reading is a moderate automatic preference for light skin compared to dark skin at 28%. The next highest reading was a strong automatic preference at 23%.
The results show that I have a higher preference for a lighter skin tone. However, I can argue that my preference does not translate to prejudice against people with darker skin tones. What is surprising about the results is the extent of my preference for lighter completions. Before the test, I was unaware of my bias, and if present, it was in inconsequential details such as dating. The IAT has revealed my tendencies to be biased when skin color is involved; therefore, I need to be careful not to mature into any form of prejudice.
On a related note, the 1AT results showed I have a moderate automatic preference for European Americans compared to African Americans at 27%. A strong automatic preference for African Americans compared to European Americans reads at 2%. These results almost confirm my preference for lighter completions as the previous test. I can argue that there are aspects that make me gravitate to individuals that are similar to me. One of the commonalities is the skin color and the possibility of sharing a European country of origin. Certainty of being liked explains my preference for people similar to me as I assume that similarities are a sure way of making f...
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