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Comparison of Theory and Practice

Essay Instructions:

The third essay is intended to again give you an opportunity to compare and contrast theory with practice. It should focus on your focal human service agency.

Discuss in detail:

1. the nature of the client/agency relationship and the background competencies necessary for effective delivery of services (use information from the course texts then compare with observations of how your agency functions);

2. an analysis of the impact of the agency's delivery of human services on the community and the community's impact on the agency's delivery of human services (use information from the course texts, then compare with observations of how your agency functions).

The essay must be 4 pages in length and contain appropriate citations and references to the course texts.

All the information you need can be found in the attachment that I included in the order. Please let me know if you need anything else from me.

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Comparison of Theory and Practice
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Comparison of Theory and Practice
Debate exists regarding theory and practice in social service. The relationship between theory and practice in social, public, or humanity services is increasingly gaining interest from various stakeholders, including the community, the government authorities, and community service agencies or organizations. In social work, community-based organizations and agencies often align their theoretical frameworks and practices to serve individuals and communities by enhancing population and person’s well-being. Community agencies transform theory into practice by translating theoretical concepts into policy frameworks that can be implemented—the practical social policies upon implementation impacts social conditions for individuals, groups, or communities. Many organizations have ideologies and practices geared towards improving individual and societal overall well-being. BronxWorks is a typical example of such an organization whose core purpose involves serving the communities living in the Bronx. BronxWorks is involved in a broad spectrum of activities and program that helps Bronx community enhance their socio-economic well-being. This paper explores how BronxWorks has developed competencies for effective service delivery amongst people living in the Bronx and examines its impact on the community.
Social Work Theoretical frameworks
A constellation informs social work theories support practice. Social model theories illustrate how human services agencies such as BronxWorks can develop practices that improve human lives. Implementing social work practices involving human services delivery involves deployment of a wide range of theories such as system theory, social learning theory, psychological development theories, psychodynamic theories, rational theories, a problem-solving approach centered practice theory, crisis intervention theory and cognitive-behavioral theories, cultural competence models, amongst many more! These theories cannot be singularly applied in resolving community social problems. Instead, theories are complementarily applied. For instance, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychological development theories can be used to improve health wellbeing amongst the underserved and sick senior population. Another example is that, through social work theories such as Crisis intervention theory, BronxWorks can translate idea into practices by assessing safety and risk surrounding a specific community problem, creating rapport and indemnifying a problem, addressing people’s views and feelings, providing alternatives, developing practical action plans and doing follow-ups.
BronxWorks Competency as a Community Service Agency
BronxWorks has developed critical competencies that align its theoretical conceptualization with practicing. BronxWorks has enjoyed tremendous success in its practices because it has secured a robust relationship with the community and various organizations. It has developed relationships with a diverse organization involving key players in healthcare, warehousing, construction, food services, social services, security, transportation, and public administration. BronxWorks extensive relationship, as illustrated, underpins its capacity to deliver wide-ranging services, including providing adult and family home services, assisting in chronic illness and disease management, helping in expanding opportunities for education and development amongst the youth, and assisting in legal services, support for older adults, workforce development and housing.
BronxWorks has entrenched mutual, collaborative, and trustable relationships with communities and diverse organizations to create such fruitful relationships. The capacity to develop collaborative partnerships underpins Bronx competencies in securing a relationship with society and its various partners. Human service agencies such as BronxWorks have branded themselves as "corporate citizens" of their communities, where their reputation is critical to establishing community relationships. BronxWork's capacity to provide satisfactory services and monitor existing and emerging community needs have culminated in mutual trust and long-standing relationships with the community players. For instance, Bronx provides work development services, which employers stand to gain. BronxWorks creates value for employers by connecting employers to competent, qualified candidates for the job, reducing time spent reviewing qualifications and resumes, reducing job posting costs, reducing agency employment fees, and allowing employers to enjoy tax credits and wage subsidies. Social work is partly based on volunteering. BronxWorks practices are anchored on specific elements of volunteering. McKnight (2014) observed that volunteering at any level, connecting clients to employment or working opportunities, and providing services inexpensively or free are critical approaches to successfully implementing theoretical social work policies. From this perspective, BronxWorks freely connected qualified job candidates to employer...
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