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Week6 Assignment

Essay Instructions:
To prepare for this Assignment: Review emotions, stress, and health in the textbook and Learning Resources, paying special attention to the brain areas involved in negative emotions (e.g., anger, sadness, and fear) and how the brain changes in response to extreme stressors. Review the National Institute of Health site devoted to PTSD found in the Learning Resources. hoose ONE of the following articles that applies to the biological basis of PTSD: “Reduced amygdala responsivity during conditioning to trauma related stimuli in posttraumatic stress disorder” OR “Interpersonal violence in posttraumatic women: brain networks triggered by trauma-related pictures” OR “Effects of intranasal oxytocin on amygdala reactivity to emotional faces in recently trauma-exposed individuals” OR “Psychotherapy for Military-Related PTSD: A Review of Randomized Clinical Trials” OR You may choose your own article; however, it must be approved by your instructor by Thursday before the assignment is due. The Assignment (2–4 pages): What is the biological basis of PTSD? What occurs in the brain and nervous system that apparently gives rise to PTSD symptoms? How is PTSD diagnosed, according to the DSM–5? Does this relate to the biological basis that you just described? Describe the treatment options that are available for PTSD. Do they seem to address the biological basis of the disorder, as you have described them? Summarize your article about the biological basis of PTSD in enough detail that your reader will understand what was done in the study and what the results of the study were (similar to the articles you found in BioPsychology.com in the first week). Based on the article you identified as well as the other reading you have done this week, describe a test you could develop to help determine whether a particular individual might be more susceptible to developing PTSD if they were to experience an extremely stressful situation. Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You should include in-text citations in the body of your Assignment as well as complete references in APA format at the end of your Assignment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has a complicated biological base that is founded in the body’s response to severe stress and trauma. PTSD occurs when a person experiences a traumatic experience. A person’s body will use the stress response system after experiencing a stressful event by releasing cortisol and adrenaline. This stress response can become dysregulated in PTSD, resulting in long-term physiological abnormalities such as changes in the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. The amygdala oversees emotional processing. In response to stress, it may become hyperactive. Meanwhile, the hippocampus is essential for memory consolidation; its volume may decrease in reaction to stress. The prefrontal cortex is also engaged in emotional management and decision-making. It may be hampered because of stress. Hence, these modifications lead to the typical PTSD symptoms of hyperarousal, intrusive memories, and avoidance. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) establishes the criteria for determining whether someone has PTSD. It involves terrible incidents, forceful problems, and long periods of being disconnected from people. There are also negative mood swings and altered mental processes, as well as heightened enthusiasm levels. While the DSM-5 focuses on behavioral issues, these principles are strongly tied to changes in the bodies that occur because of PTSD. However, changes in the brain cause symptoms to appear, and clinicians must make diagnoses based on how these changes affect beha...
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