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2 pages/≈550 words
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Comparing the USSR and PRC and Post-communist transition in Russia

Essay Instructions:

Response Papers: Each student must submit two response papers on two different topics covered in the lectures. The two papers will account for half of your participation grade, which translates to 12.5% of your final grade. You are expected to write about the key concepts you learned from the lectures and the readings. The goal of this short paper is to demonstrate your understanding of the key political science concepts and what you find interesting about them. For example, if you decide to pick “The State and Its Formation” as your topic, you may explain the concept of legitimacy and how legitimacy applies in the US and/or how is it different in other countries. Response papers must be about 500 words in length, and you should post it on Blackboard no later than 12:00am midnight before Thursdays. A late paper will lead to incremental reductions in its grade. To prevent everybody from writing on the same topic, there are limited slots for each topic, and you must sign up for your two topics using this link:

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The USSR and PRC and Post-Communist Transition in Russia

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The USSR and PRC and Post-Communist Transition in Russia

For any nation to grow and develop, several factors like its political and economic rules play a significant role. USSR and PRC are Asian countries that have undergone some similar situations that have in turn led to their current political and economic positions in the universe. On comparing the two economies, one has to look into the economic, cultural, human resources, political and legal interplay.  In comparing the two nations economically, PRC has grown tremendously unlike USSR, which has shown a rather stunted development over the years.

USSR’s economy mainly depended on its oil and gas, which confined its development. China, on the other hand, largely benefits from globalization, low-cost, and its huge labor force to construct a flourishing supply-based economy. China, however, should aim at making their development sustainable by encouraging consumption in its economy other than relying solely on suppliers. Communism in the USSR was mainly characterized by rushed and subverting programs that supporte...

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