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Successes and Failures of US Presidents (Trump, Obama, Bush, and Clinton)

Essay Instructions:

One more additional extra credit assignment (no due date- this is optional before class is over) is to critical assess the last four Presidents. Each President has had some successes and some failures during the presidency (regardless of if you like/hate the President or if you share/oppose the ideological viewpoints you should be able to critically assess each one.).

President Trump (Republican) - one paragraph successes and one paragraph failures (cite sources)

President Obama (Democrat) - one paragraph successes and one paragraph failures (cite sources)

President Bush (Republican) - one paragraph successes and one paragraph failures (cite sources)

President Clinton (Democrat) - one paragraph successes and one paragraph failures (cite sources)

Which of the four has been the strongest at foreign policy and which has been the weakest. Defend your argument (I don't actually care which President you identify as best/worst I am looking for critical thinking and argumentation here, in addition to foreign policy knowledge (2 -3 paragraphs).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

President Analysis
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President Trump (Republican)
In 2018, the Trump Administration proposed a budget for the fiscal year 2019. It was the first full budget proposed by Donald Trump since taking office, and he presented his clear vision for the future. As expressed via this budget, Donald Trump aims to strengthen the healthcare industry by providing easy or free access to care (2007). The president not only targeted Medicaid but also paid significant attention to family programming, Medicare and several other health programs.
As far as the wrong decision or failure is concerned, President Donald Trump had the authority to fire the FBI director. Historically, presidents of the United States have never done so, except Bill Clinton who fired William S. Sessions when a Justice Department found him guilty of flagrant ethical violations. It looks like Donald Trump has his own rules of how to deal with the FBI director. He took no time to fire James Comey, and he was not allowed to explain things.
President Obama (Democrat)
When President Obama came into office, he knew that their top priority was to fix the economy of the country after the recession of 2008-2009. For this purpose, he introduced the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It was divided into three main parts, and the total cost was $786 billion (Starr-Deelen, 2017). He paid utmost attention to providing employment opportunities and quality food to a maximum number of people. The infrastructure of the country received a lot of attention, and several projects related to highway and transport was completed on short notice.
Obama’s most significant disaster came with the BP oil spill. It is believed that Obama did not handle it as wisely as it was supposed to be handled. Polls at the time revealed a low approval rating of 41 percent. Nevertheless, when the issue was resolved, the government and media forgot it quickly.
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