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MODR 1760M Reasoning about Morality and Value. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment combines the techniques and skills you have learned in this class. It consists of two fundamental parts, argument analysis and argument evaluation. In your argument analysis, you are expected to provide an exposition/explanation of the author’s argument as much as possible in your own words. The explanatory portion of your paper should be based on a standardization/outline of the author’s argument. The second part of your paper requires you to critically evaluate the author’s argument/s. Here you can draw on any of the relevant critical techniques we’ve developed in the course plus your own argument skills.

The evaluative portion of your paper should also be based on your own standardization of your argument for or against the author’s position.

Both the standardization of the author’s argument and your standardization of your own argument should be appended to your 1500 word essay. Your paper should be typed, double spaced. This is not a research paper, thus there is no need to consult any secondary sources, either on the internet or in the Library. However, if you do access any sources to help you with this assignment (apart from your textbook) you must properly acknowledge that assistance and properly cite the source.

MODR 1760MReasoning about Morality and Value
OBJECTIVE: Produce a polished 1250-1500 word critical summary/position paper on one of the following three articles and topics:
1. “Deterrence”, David M. Paciocco, The Power of Critical Thinking. 3rd. Lewis Vaughn and Chris MacDonaldor 2. “Yes, Human Cloning Should be Permitted,” Chris MacDonald, The Power of Critical Thinking. 3rd.   Lewis Vaughn and Chris MacDonaldor 3. “Marine Parks”, Bill Daly The Power of Critical Thinking. 3rd.   Lewis Vaughn and Chris MacDonald

   DEADLINE:   Electronic submission to turnitin.com between between Thursday April 4th & Thursday April 11th 

This assignment combines the techniques and skills you have learned in this class.   It consists of two fundamental parts, argument analysis and argument evaluation.   In your argument analysis, you are expected to provide an exposition/explanation of the author’s argument as much as possible in your own words.   The explanatory portion of your paper should be based on a standardization/outline of the author’s argument.   The second part of your paper requires you to critically evaluate the author’s argument/s.   Here you can draw on any of the relevant critical techniques we’ve developed in the course plus your own argument skills.The evaluative portion of your paper should also be based on your own standardization of your argument for or against the author’s position.
Both the standardization of the author’s argument and your standardization of your own argument should be appended to your 1500 word essay.   Your paper should be typed, double spaced.   This is not a research paper, thus there is no need to consult any secondary sources, either on the internet or in the Library.   However, if you do access any sources to help you with this assignment (apart from your textbook) you must properly acknowledge that assistance and properly cite the source.
This is an individual take home exam.   Do not work with others on this assignment.

Roughly, completing this assignment will involve the following steps,

Step One: Carefully read the passage/article and clarify it.   Initially you should skim for meaning, purpose and the overall conclusion.   Subsequently read each paragraph carefully for the details.   Note any terms, phrases or claims that require clarification or definition.
Step Two: Portray the Argument Structure.   State the main conclusion, formulate the Main Argument and Write a brief synopsis.   Outline any subarguments.   You may use either Method One or Method Two to standardize the author’s argument.   Name the lines of argument associated with each subargument.   Supply any missing premises and identify any assumptions or presuppositions the author is making.

Step Three: Assess the Individual Arguments for Logical Adequacy.   Are there any fallacies? What type of argument does the author present? Use the critical techniques associated with that type of argument.   Assess the overall argument.   Are there other arguments that support the same conclusion? Are there other arguments that support an opposite conclusion?   What are the implications of the author’s argument?   Are these implications acceptable or unacceptable.

Step Four: Organize your evaluative comments and arguments in an outline or standardization.

Step Five: Present your assessment.   This is the essay portion of your assignment.   Your essay should identify and explain the main argument and subarguments   in the article.   Give your overall assessment of the passage, preferably in one sentence. In effect, this is your conclusion about the passage.   Make your case to support your assessment by identifying clearly the structure of the argument you are critiquing.   Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the argument in a systematic manner.   Provide reasons to justify your analysis.   Consider and identify possible counter arguments to the author’s position.   Conclude by providing your overall assessment, possibly together with observations on how the argument could be improved.

Step Six: Carefully proof read and polish your prose.   Look for ways to state claims as clearly and directly as possible.   Look for ways to shorten word count, allowing more space to develop your assessment.   When you are satisfied with your critical summary, print a copy for class   and submit to turnitin.com electronically.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reasoning About Morality and Value
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
“Yes, Human Cloning Should Be Permitted”- Analysis
The article presents the author’s argument, Chris MacDonald, concerning permitting human cloning, counteracting Patricia Baird’s argument on discouraging human cloning. The author argues that there is no convincing evidence that cloning among human being should be prohibited. According to Chris, abolishing human cloning is being single-minded. He feels there are a lot of factors to consider before making a final decision on either banning or permitting human cloning. Supporting permission to human cloning is well defended with reasonable truth which one needs to consider in favor of the involved parties.
Although the author does not directly claim to support human cloning, all of his argument presented in the article is on the benefits of conducting human cloning and the gaps that are not filled with Patricia Baird’s argument on reasons to restrict human cloning. ”The fact that a portion of society – even the majority- finds an activity distasteful is insufficient is an insufficient ground for passing a law forbidding it” (Chris MacDonald). Such phrases indicated that Chris is in full support of human cloning, and he feels that cloning should be permitted. Beyond focusing on the negativity of human cloning on ethics and social norms as presented by most researchers and philosophers like Baird, MacDonald goes beyond to present the benefits of human cloning at a personal level.
Reporting on the conducted research on individuals promoting banning of human cloning, MacDonald presents some of their facts in defense to their argument. Among these facts as presented in the article are associated with the potential physical and psychological harm of the children. Such risks or harm are outlined as follows; delineation of the children born as a result of cloning; “identical twins live with the psychological burden of not being genetically unique” (Vaughn & MacDonald, 2000). In support of banning human cloning, the article provides evidence children born as a result of in-vitro fertilization or other reproduction technologies undermines themselves as they understand that their origin was unusual.
His first argument of the author focuses on benefiting special groups like the gays and infertile parents who barely would like to be called parents, but their situations may not allow. Such people have the right to find techniques of getting children, among them being cloning. His idea is that cloning is a means of social and technological diversity which allows people to determine the type of children they want and the appropriate time for them.
Human cloning is a form of sex selection as one is given a chance of selecting the genes to be cloned, unlike the natural method where all the processes occur naturally without human interference. According to the author, sex selection is not bad as most people argue, “Most of us think sex selection is a bad thing- not because of any purported harm to the child but because we worry about the social implications of valuing children of one sex over those of the other.” This statement indicates that no proven reason or evidence should be used against sex selection and cloning practices. Human cloning is voluntary, and no one is to be forced. Even without government support, individuals willing to clone will still do it as long as they are financially stable. People need to be permitted to do as they wish if at all their wishes have no harm to others.
Throughout the article, the author supports Baird’s argument of the negative implications of cloning to some extent but still argues that human cloning should be permitted. MacDonald admits that Baird is correct on most of the negative impacts of human cloning, but claims that he had no solid support that should lead to its banning. His major concern is how scientists support the re...
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