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Identify Governing Style And Principles That Correlate To This Style

Essay Instructions:

Introduction (1 paragraph)

Introduce your country

Briefly outline all of the parts of the paper

Domestic Concerns (1-2 pages)

Identify governing style and principles that correlate to this style

Identify the branches of government and its functions

Development of two public good domestic programs and how they will meet the public good

Economic structure and reason why this should be used

Socializing citizens is noted with rationale for how it creates national unity

Foreign Concerns (1-2 pages)

Two international organizations are noted, one for economics and one for security

Descriptions of both organizations

Rationales for joining these organizations

Steps to joining

Two ways your country will combat the neighboring country's terrorist threat and the domestic threat

Two ways these will be effective

Conclusion (1 paragraph)

Summarize information

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Government
Student’s Name
Institution’s Affliction’s
My country is located in the middle-east in a prosperous oil production region. The outgoing president has served the state for about 29 years of dictatorial rule. The country has a population of approximately 26 million who are living an average lifestyle because of the export of oil that improves the domestic income of the state. The country is also semi-literate where most of the people can read and write. Besides, in the past, the military has been very loyal to the head of state. The president keeps on frustrating the military commanders and the deputy presidents.
Domestic concerns
The last election of my country was rigged, and the people started protesting which called the international community which caused the shortfall in the economy of the country. Therefore, the prices of the items increased while the wage bill was constant causing thrift in the life of the citizens increasing poverty levels of the people. On the other, the assassinations also increased making the citizens leave under fear, but the government is not taking charge. Detentions of the powerful upcoming politicians are also practised in the nation.
Governing style
The current governing style used in this governing is a dictatorship. One would qualify the leading method as a dictatorship because of the action that the government does. The government has ruled for more than 25 years and is not ready to transfer the leadership to another government. Besides, the elections processes are not free and fair so that the current government can continue to lead. Additionally, the government continues to expel the leaders who have served close to the president’s seat.
Branches of the government and function. ‘
The government has three offices which are executive, judiciary and the legislature. The citizens elect the executive and the assembly while the tribunal is appointed with the head of states based on their qualifications from law school. The executive is the office of the president who oversees everything in the country and also the chief military commander of the military. The legislature makes the laws while the jud...
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