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Did the Actions of Chelsea Manning Compromise the National Security?

Essay Instructions:

Do you think what Chelsea Manning did compromised National Security? Also, what is more important, the public's right to know or protecting national security? 1-2 pages.

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Did the Actions of Chelsea Manning Compromise the National Security?
Did the Actions of Chelsea Manning Compromise the National Security?
Chelsea Manning’s activism rose to international heights by her whistleblowing of the inhumane actions committed by the United States military in Afghanistan and Iraq. Driven by the concern for the rampant disregard for human rights in the United States military operations abroad including the abuse of individual privacy of other nations’ diplomatic officials, Manning decided to release a huge data of government secrets through the Wikileaks cables. Chelsea Manning released over 250,000 data cables of classified information collected from the American diplomatic officials from different stations around the globe CITATION Sam17 \l 1033 (Sampathkumar, 2017). The leaks further consisted of 470,000 cables of military reports and incidences in the embattled states of Iraq and Afghanistan CITATION Sam17 \l 1033 (Sampathkumar, 2017). The American activist’s actions raised a lot of controversies in the American leadership while also evoking different opinions and reactions from the public. One of the most contentious issues arising from the actions of Chelsea Manning was whether or not they compromised national security. Chelsea Manning’s action did not compromise the national security of the United States but rather called for the accountability from the state actors, which also led to increased scrutiny and monitoring of government officials.
It is without a doubt that the actions revealed a great detail of gross misconduct in both the United States’ military and diplomatic actions, which provided the taxpayers with an opportunity to hold the government accountable for its operations abroad. Among the human rights violations committed by the U.S. military included indiscriminate airstrikes on civilian populations in Iraq and Afghanistan leading to massive loss of lives, t...
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