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IntroductionEffects Of Music On Teenagers In The United States

Essay Instructions:

Your essay should have an introduction, at least three body paragraphs (corresponding to the sub-questions that you wrote in your proposal) and a conclusion.

Your introduction should state what you have discovered in your research and define any terms that you may use in a particular way. Your conclusion should present what you would do next in your research if you had more time.

You can use personal pronouns.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Positive and Negative effects of Music on Teenagers in United States [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] [Name of the Subject] [Date] Introduction As per the stand point of McFerran et al., (2015), every society realizes the significances of the music. The existence of music is evident in every part of the society. Music is one of the oldest form of arts that utilized in different forms all across the globe. Along these lines, in most of the societies, music is utilized to express the social as well as emotional sentiment. This particularly because music acquires the capacity to initial emotions and feeling in an effective and swift way. According to McFerran et al., (2016), music stimulate emotions in individuals through its capacity to impede the tendency to respond to anticipated musical structure. Music can extreme joy to the lives of the people. However, the influence the pop music on the teenagers might be the concern for numerous parents. Various analysts have pointed out that American pop songs released in the recent times contain reference to violence, alcohol, drugs and sex. In addition, some of the pop songs elevate rebellion against the authority as well as degradation of the self-destructive behavior. The content incorporated in the pop music can negatively influence the impressionable listeners; thereby affecting their opinions, moods and their perception about the society. In the view of the fact that teenagers frequently listen to music on personal devices often with friends and colleagues, the parents have little control over their selection. At the same time as some of the songs can be motivating for the teens, others can escalate poor behavior, depression and anger. Discussion Modern popular music is a special form of music that profoundly affects people's lives in terms of popularity, popularity, fashion and entertainment. The most prominent of them is their influence on teenagers. Pop music has its positive influence on young people, but some music misleads young people's physical and mental development in a negative form. Therefore, for the popular music that we are in constant contact with, we should distinguish its advantages and disadvantages so that it can maximize the positive guidance function. In the view point of Shuman et al., 2016), certain form of pop music can positively influence the youngsters. For instance, the pop music can instill confidence, stimulate excitement and happiness and at the same time facilitate them in completing their tasks such as homework, household chores or work-related assignments. On the other hand, some of the youngsters prefer listening to music in order to relax after a stressful day. Moreover, music is a common element in teenagers’ parties. Music of favorite artist can inspire the teenagers to exercise, dance or perform other movements that boost their growth as well as keep them healthy. Thomas., (2016) opined that pop music with constructive content can remind the youth of the good memories. Therefore, it can be put forward that pop music plays a crucial role in the entertainment of the youngsters and general social experience. Despite the fact that popular music is upbeat and positive, majority of the parents are concerned regarding the negative influences of the popular music on their children. This apprehension prevails particular because the parents always do not have control over the choices of their children. Tara Parker Pope in her New York Times article majority of the children constant access to the music without the consent of Parents. As a result, they can select music with inappropriate lyrics and content. Frith., (2017) noted that music can music can shape the behavior of the teens in the similar manner as movie scenes or television does. The author further noted that music lacks actual images that are depicted in movies and Drama; nevertheless, the exposure is more frequent. In a different context, individuals listen music more frequently when compared to watching television and...
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