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Causation Of Global Warming In Australia

Essay Instructions:

1. Do research (at least four citations). You cannot adequately answer the question from one article. Give examples and discuss the points you make. Cite sources (studies) to support your points.

2. Include a bibliography (minimum of four sources).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Causation of global warming in Australia Name Institutional Affiliation The earth’s climate has been in a state of instability for the last few years; this is according to geological records and ice core samples. The onset of the industrial revolution saw the rapid change in the world’s climate making the last forty years the hottest. The average global temperature has risen 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880, with a projection of it rising further by two degrees in the next one hundred years. According to Climate Change in Australia, temperatures have risen in Australia due to the effects of greenhouse gases with extreme heat records exceeding cool records by three times (Climate Change in Australia, 2016). The increase in temperature causes global warming. The earth’s hotness is shifting due to global warming, and in Australia, it is becoming a cause for concern due to the burning of fossil fuels, animal farming, and deforestation. Burning of fossil fuels is the primary cause of global warming in Australia. Fossil fuels lead to the emission of high concentrations of carbon dioxide, and when a country generates electricity and power cars through fossil fuels, the carbon dioxide emission is high. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Australia is among the leading producers of carbon dioxide pollution (World Wildlife Fund- Australia, 2018). For instance, the generation of electricity contributes seventy-three percent of the carbon pollution, 13 % from burning gas and 14% from sources of renewable energy. According to the 2015 data on carbon dioxide emission by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the country ranks sixteenth in the world for producing 380.93 million metrics tons of CO2 per capita. (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015). As a result, it leads to changes in climatic warming and cooling throughout the climatic system, leading to global warming. Animal farming is the second most cause of global warming in Australia. Livestock farming in Australi is a massive industry with over twenty-five million cattle, which makes it the seventh largest beef producer in the world. According to Animals Australia, livestock such as heifer and bulls consume mo...
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