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Latinos and Immigration in the USA

Essay Instructions:

My chosen group; Latinos in America

Using your chosen group from previous assignments and the knowledge you have gained from assignment # 1 and #2 you will write a 6 full pages paper which addresses the following:

-Identifies at least 3 social issues or challenges your chosen group faces.

-Identifies at least 2 current advocacy organizations that focuses on your chosen group. You should identity and describe the organization along with examples of the work they do.

-Strategies you would use to work with this population in a human service environment. These strategies should be clearly identified within your paper and your discussion should provide rationale for these outlined strategies. You should use examples from your research on current challenges to justify why your particular strategies are important for human service providers.

To the writer

Hi I have chosen to continue to work with you as we have worked on my two previous papers, that focuses on the group Latinos in America.

This is the final paper for this class and I am still using the same group. If you have any questions please message me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Latinos and Immigration in the USA Name Institutional Affiliation The Latinos in America continue to face several challenges the form of human systemic risks. In this context the human systemic risks are social problems that are develop on the Latin Americans due differences that exists among the American due to tribe or ethnic discrepancies. The main forms of social challenges the Latinos in America thus face include inequality, violence and difference in state capacity. Violence The Latinos in America are prone to violence which makes their life uneasy and unsettled in manty of the times (Centeno n.d). Violence may be experienced in two main forms. There a tendency of increase I interpersonal violence throughout the region which may exist due to lack of proper ways to reduce misunderstanding among the people which is high contributed by the low living standards as many people compete to meet their needs using resources which are very view considering the relatively high population of the Latinos. The second forma of violence is highly related to organize crime which is more evident I areas which are susceptible markets for drugs. However, interpersonal violence is higher than the organized crimes since the latter has been publicized by the media hence receiving some special political attention and control. Some factors like changes in demographic structures. This occurs in form of an increase in the number young men and women in the labor market (Sáenz, Morales, & Polity Press, 2015). Interpersonal violence thus results due to change in the culture and norms in the society like change the family structure whereby the women want equal powers with their partners in family set up. This further may lead to absence in social controls supervision leading to an increase in gender violence or formation of illegal gang groups. Additionally, sometimes the government ignores the drug markets which many result more drug abuse among the young people thus leading to an increase in interpersonal violence. Inequality This is a social problem which has remained to be an historical stigma affecting many of the Latinos in America (Centeno n.d). The Latin Americans suffered a harsh past where they experienced many kind s of discrimination especially at the work place whereby the native Americans would be preferred over them for the best job positions like managerial while the Latinos would be ignored and given the heavy tasks regardless of their level of education. For this reason, the economic inequality remains to be a social problem which serves to divide the Americans rather than uniting them. Therefore, the development of economic inequality in countries makes the stats to develops political into political institutions which in turn could have a negative effect on the economic outcome. However there seems to exist some light on the aspect of inequality with the establishment of democratic government (Mize & Delgado, 2012). This result into establishment of some forms of parallel government which serve as a control to ensuring equality among the people regardless of their, origin. The formation of a democratic government has led to a drastic decrease in inequality which in turn promotes a positive growth in economy. Nevertheless, there is a great need to ensure that many of the Latinos have positive perceptions in regard to the fairness of the society. There is need to take actions without fear since anxiety can lead to great economical problem emanating from hesitation to take actions in the thoughts of being discriminated. State Capacity The capacity of the state can be classified as a great social problem since it is weak and fragile in terms of the social services which it can offer the Latinos in America (Centeno n.d). The state of the government in America can be defined as inadequate due to violence which is experienced among the Latinos. Moreover, the government is not a capacity to provide a good infrastructure the Latinos experience the problem of garbage collection which makes these citizens to live environment which are not quite friendly in terms of health. For this reason, the private sectors seem to have taken the role of making the environment friendly to the Latinos by collecting the garbage on behalf of the government. Informal economy can be taken as a measure of the relative weaken ss of the government. In view of this, the government is not at a position to protect the workers who face a lot of discrimination at the work stations (Mize & Delgado, 2012). This is due to the problem which is present in the process of enforcement of contracts. Corruption is another problem associated with the state capacity as the government is unable to control the people in authority from exploiting the Latinos. Corruption is therefore a major problem which contributes to inefficiency of the economy. Moreover, the inefficiency of the economy leads to a great problem in other social dimensio...
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