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International Relation Article And Video Summary

Essay Instructions:

You will need to watch this video: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=iRYZjOuUnlU and read the attached article. Then write a one page double-spaced essay summarizing the conflict and possible solutions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Israel-Palestine ConflictNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
The conflict between Israel and Palestine has a long history, and as mentioned in the article, it is far from being complete. As mentioned in the video, the conflict began when the colonial authorities declared Israel a Jewish state and Palestine gained independence as an Arab state. On their side, the Arab state was not pleased with the move as they taught that the colonial masters wanted to take away their land. The Arab countries declared war against Israel. As illustrated by Yaalon- a former Israel government official in the article, this hatred towards Israel has grown over the years, and it is still growing. The Palestine leaders instead of creating a community that is willing to reconcile with Israel, they have created a Palestinian community that has growing hatred towards Israel. This is what has made it challenging to end the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The Palestinian leadership is not willing at all to...
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