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Ideas on Same Sex Marriage

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Same Sex Marriages

Thoroughly and critically review the history, pros, and cons of your position. Consider the social, political, and economic implications of your position and how it aligns with social work. Describe what social work values are at play and analyze the impact on marginalized populations served by the profession.i) Write a brief summary about things that stand out for you in your research (e.g. things that are new to you, and/or that you find thought provoking).

ii) If you read something that you agree or disagree with, please state and defend your position. This will require your critical review of the literature; you must reference your work (no fewer than four professional references for each side with a total of eight references for the paper). In doing so, you may include theoretical perspectives as well as empirical research findings.

iii) Consider issues from diverse points and add your own voice in the discussion. You are encouraged to connect your personal experiences so that the paper facilitates personalizing the readings. Then, you are to review and evaluate the official social work position on the topic per NASW and CSWE taking your critical review of the literature into consideration. If your position is not compatible with the official social work position/ethics, provide an examination of how you may work with the population(s) according to the NASW Code of Ethics.

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Same Sex Marriages
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Same-Sex Marriages
Marriage brings people together. In most cases, these people are known to have made a conscious decision to be joined together. Societies around the world view marriage as an important and major issue. People all over the world consider marriage as marriage as the “key to the pursuit of happiness, something people aspire to – and keep aspiring to, again and again, even when their experience has been far from happy” (Nussbaum, 2009). This confirms that too many people around the world, marriage is a lifetime goal. So, to be told you cannot marry or get married is one of the most deflating and depressing statements. However, today, governments have found a way to make sure that they hold the key to who one says the words ‘I do.’ Is this fair and should the government be a factor when people are in love? This is among the many questions that people all over the world ask themselves as the debate over same-sex marriages rages on. In the U.S., the Supreme Court in 2015 recognized same-sex marriages and issued a decree or ruling that required states to recognize same-sex marriages. However, around the world, this has not been the case. In Africa, for example, many countries criminalized same-sex marriages, and in a country like Uganda, same-sex marriage is prohibited. In Kenya, the country’s constitution does not allow same-sex marriages, but the country is expected to make a ruling that may change the course of history this year. Middle East countries, like African countries, do not consider marriage between same-sex partners legal. Currently, the world is yet to come to terms with same-sex marriages, but this paper seeks to discuss the topic from the perspective of social work.
Summary of things that stand out
One of the things that stood out during the research stage was the fact that there are those who hold the belief that governments should not be in the business of marriage. These people believe that the government’s job should be to protect the rights of its citizens regardless of their decisions. This approach or perspective is quite common to Libertarianism. Libertarians believe that the government should not involve itself with the institution of marriage. They hold the notion that “government powers should be strictly limited, generally to the tasks of maintaining civil order, infrastructure, and defense” (Britannica, 2018). It is the government’s job to be impartial in its distribution of resources, serving its citizens, and executing justice and fairness. Leyonhjelm (2017) notes that the principle that should hold supreme is that “each individual must be treated equally by the law, and that all people are subject to the same laws.” He continues to say that with regards to the above, “the law must ensure that no individual or group of individuals are privileged or discriminated against by the government.” Libertarians do make a strong point in their quest to see less government involvement in the institution of marriage.
Another thing that stood out was the extent to which some countries or societies would go to, to ensure same-sex marriages are criminalized. In the U.S, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) which is by far the largest psychiatric organization in the globe had in the past held a position that recognized homosexuality as a mental disorder. However, as it was reported by Lyons (1973) from the New York Times, the association disestablished homosexuality as a mental disorder. The association said, “we will no longer insist on a label of sickness for individuals who insist that they are well and demonstrate no generalized impairment in social effectiveness.” It was at this point that the American public opinion shifted and people split into two distinct groups with each side insisting that their position is fair. In other regions of the world, the public has executed members of the LGBT community while some have been shamed publicly. Societies that are still traditional have not yet come to terms with the idea of people of the same-sex being unified in marriage. While the narrative appears to be changing all over the world, it remains to be seen whether countries will follow the leadership of the United States.
State and defend your position
In the issue of same-sex marriage, everyone’s decision or position is bound to elicit responses from the other side of the debate. However, this has not stopped people from stating what they believe to be their stand. For me, I believe that people have the right to do what they want. This means that people should marry who they want and that governments should be present in protecting the decisions people make. Additionally, the government ought to dispense judgment and resources fairly without considering people’s decisions or inclinations or pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence reads: “We hold these truths to be ...
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