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Cultural Wars in America: The Issue of Abortion

Essay Instructions:


A. Choose a Sociological Topic.

This topic must be about a cultural war in America. An issue that Americans are divided over such as ‘Obamacare’, adoption, abortion, stem-cell research, cloning. The idea is to make an academic argument that involves arguing both sides of the issue and coming up with a conclusion based on your research.

B.  What to Do: (Introduction)

1.  Find at least four (4) academic studies done on the topic (see CSCC library, electronic journal center) - summarize each of these articles so that you have a thorough understanding of its contents. Use this information to make your arguments referring to the appropriate sources whenever necessary.

2.  Write an Introduction: In your introduction

a.   Identify a cultural war of your choice.

b.  Why is it important to study?

c.  What are the major issues around this topic

d.  What specifically do you intend to discuss?

e.  What do you hope to gain from conducting this research?

C. The Body of Your paper:

a) Using relevant academic citations make at least four (4) arguments in favor and four (4) arguments against your topic of choice. For example: if your topic is “abortion”, you must make arguments both in favor of and against abortion.   

b) Remember to use relevant citations where necessary throughout your paper. Do not make vague citations such as: “the bible and the Koran are against abortion” without quoting the verse that specifically says so.  

C) Do not use online sites like Wikipedia for this assignment

D.  Analysis and Conclusion. In your conclusion:

a) Summarize both arguments.

b) What can be deduce or induced from your research?

c) What knowledge has been gained by doing this study?

d) Attach a citations list in APA or MLA format

*Paper must be 4-6 pages, typed, double spaced, appropriate margins



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Abortion is a universal phenomenon that has been occurring throughout the history of man and practiced at all standards and levels of organization of any society. There are various techniques employed in the practice and definitive circumstances where and when abortion is permitted due to the tragic failure of all other alternatives. In addition, abortion in many countries is either permitted or totally prohibited depending on the culture of the land. This study is significant as it broadens the knowledge of the author on the background of abortion, the view of the subject in diverse cultures around the world and abstract circumstances when the practice is necessary. The most common issue surrounding the notion of abortion is its legalization by balancing its importance and evaluating the backlash reviews from those who perceive the act as being negative and evil. Moreover, in this paper, the author examines the most vital arguments supporting abortion and those that strongly disapprove it with the view of enhancing the author’s intellect to call for the legalization or prohibition of the matter.
The first part of this text explores the most relevant issues of legalization, socio-cultural opinions and healthcare contexts that offer support to abortion by setting conditions of the possibility that a woman terminating her pregnancy is a good thing following the dense circumstances that led to the decision. Beginning with the legal context of abortion, there are no national laws or treaties that have been to completely legalize abortion, only legalized depending on conditions (Guillaume & Rossier, 2018)). However, in such countries as China, there are no restrictions to abortion while in the United States of America and 97% of many other countries, the law supports the notion of abortion with the condition that the practice will help save the terminal life of the mother. Secondly, in 68% of the countries around the world, abortion is accepted if it would preserve the physical health and mental health of the woman. This is because certain countries do not have the correct and advanced technologies that enable a mother with physical and mental problems to give birth without complications. In such cases, therefore, the governments of all countries should legalize abortion.
Thirdly, in about half of the whole world, abortion is permitted in unexpected cases of rape or incest. This is because such cases are incriminating and the female individual in subject did not wish for the act to happen (Meyers, 2005). Furthermore, in the context of rape or incest, abortion is accepted because the practice would save the individual from emotional, mental and physical breakdown. Normally, such individuals may face fatal cases of depression which may make them resort to dangerous vices such as suicide and crime. Therefore, to prevent this, the government is ought to legalize abortion in such cases. Fourthly, there are additional reasons as to why abortion should be legalized. In cases where the mother has a terminal foetal impairment and the country does not have the required forms of technology to deal with the practice, abortion should be accepted (Berer, 2000)). Moreover, in 35% of the whole world including Finland, there are countries that accept abortion because of social and economic reasons. These reasons offer support to the practice if it would save and enhance the economic standards of the nation. For instance, in China, abortion is carried out foll...
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