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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Gender and Racial Discrimination in The United States

Essay Instructions:

Hand in: 1) paper copy at the beginning of class, AND 2) submit a digital copy to SafeAssign on Blackboard before class, in the “Paper #2” portal in the Assignments folder. 

Late policy: Papers submitted late (without appropriate documentation) will be penalized 8 points for every day that it is late; if submitted on day due but after 12 noon, the penalty is 3 points. If you have concerns about submitting a paper on time, contact professor or TA before the deadline, at least 48 hours in advance. If paper is late, communicate with the professor or your TA.


For this paper, you will analyze and make an argument about a current event or issue using the analytical tools provided to you in this class. The components of the assignment are:

1) Select a current event or issue in the news within the last year that has to do (either overtly or covertly) with gender AND one other category of identity / difference (like sex, sexuality, race, ability, class, ethnicity, nation, national identity, religion, etc).  

2) Select at least 1 news media piece (can be print, internet, TV, radio, etc.) that covers the event or issue.  In the paper, briefly explain the event/issue you have chosen (~1 paragraph, ~100 words), providing enough background information so that someone unfamiliar with the event/issue will be able to understand your argument. Cite the news media piece(s) in the paper, using APA style.

Note: If you want to use a source in a language other than English, you must get permission from your TA first.

3) Using course materials, lecture notes, and discussion notes, craft an argument that includes consideration of how gender interacts with another category of identity/difference in the unfolding of the event or the development of the issue. Throughout the paper, support your argument with evidence and examples from the course (readings, lectures, discussions, and videos). Clearly state your argument early in the paper (with a statement like “I argue that….” or “This paper argues that…”).

4) In the paper, use and cite in-text at least 3 readings from the syllabus. You must have at least one reading from each of the course themes we have covered so far (I. Social Constructions; and II. Gender, Race, Family and the Nation-State). So, you should have a minimum of 4 items in your References section: your media piece, one or two reading for Theme I, and one or two reading for Theme II. 


1) 800-1300 word paper; a paper copy and a digital copy to SafeAssign).

2) A References section (at end of paper), in APA format. This should contain at least 4 entries: 1 of the news media piece, and 3 of course sources. 

PROVIDE NEWS MEDIA PIECES: Your TA must be able to easily access the news media piece(s) you use. If available digitally, include the link in the citation in the References section. If not available digitally, then provide a copy of the media piece with the paper copy.

Formatting and Submission Requirements

The paper should:

  • be between 800 and 1300 words (not including References section)
  • be a Word doc, typed and double-spaced
  • use Times New Roman or Cambria font ,11 or 12 point
  • have pages numbered, stapled
  • include an interesting, informative title
  • Include your name, and your TA’s name
  • have distinct sections (intro, body, conclusion)
  • include in-text citations in correct and complete APA style.
  • include a References section in correct and complete APA style. Note: All works included should be cited in text, and vice versa.

NOTE: you do not have to follow APA style for the rest of the paper (no title page, abstract, etc)

  • cite at least 1 news media piece, and at least 2 course materials.
  • make a clear argument about how gender interacts with other categories of identity/difference in the event or issue.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gender and Racial Discrimination in United State Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Tutor Introduction Discrimination and disparities among gender and racial has been a common issue of concern in the larger part of the United State. People of the color and the women are treated differently in American society with the white and men having more privileges as compared to their counterparts Blacks and the women. Colorism as a form of racial-based discrimination involves treating people differently with reference to their color or race which was mainly enhanced during the slavery era. With reference to gender discrimination, American societies lower the value of women and always view them as expenses and dependents of men. This paper provides an analysis of how gender and racial discrimination and disparities have been captivated in American society with reference to the position of African-Americans and women. Over the years, African Americans have been devalued in American society as a result of discrimination and the existence of racial disparities. At the same time, gender disparities have been on the spotlight over the years due to the increasing rate of disparities and discrimination, especially in the employment sectors. The revolution of the state has however not indicated any significant change in the elimination of both racial and gender discrimination (Yaskel, 2007). The issue of disparity is even extended to school segregation, with some public schools being dominated by black students while others especially the one considered high-class educational institutions being dominated by the white students. The issue of racial and gender discrimination, therefore, need to be addressed in details. I, therefore, argue that American society needs to focus on enhancing equity to enable elimination of both gender and racial disparities in the state. Despite the efforts made to eliminate the issue of racial and gender segregation, the gap has been widening with the blacks and women have been the major target for discrimination. For instance, we can argue the issue of segregation in modern America with reference to the disparities existing in education institutions. For example, the Smithtown Central School District has 89 percent, white students, while the Central Islip Union Free School District has 92 percent of the students as Black and Hispanic (Asare, 2018). The two schools are only 10 miles away from each other but they depict a high level of racial disparity in student admission. Even in resource distribution, Lily-White school is well equipped with adequate and modern learning resources but Islip school is experiencing a shortage of even basic learning materials. Through analysis, most of the schools attended by the Blacks and Brown contend with concentrated poverty and availability of basic learning materials. Through observation, segregation is currently experienced in a more modernized way such that it may be hard to realize the event of disparity, segregation, and discrimination on gender basis. The United States’ government would claim to enhance equity among all citizens but the aspects of discrimination will always depict themselves. “I think whites are taught carefully not to recognize white privilege…” (Mc...
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