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High-Level Nuclear Waste Management

Essay Instructions:

How are other countries that generate nuclear power managing their high-level nuclear waste? Provide at least several examples. If you were the President of the USA, would you open Yucca Mountain for disposal our our waste? If yes, how can you convince Congress democrats to support you?

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High-Level Nuclear Waste Management Name Institutional Affiliation High-Level Nuclear Waste Management In a world that is constantly fighting climate change and environmental pollution, it is imperative that effective measures are undertaken to protect the environment, as well as the human population, from any form of harm that may compromise their health and safety. It is for this reason that nuclear waste management becomes a critical issue that needs serious attention. Across the world, the acceptance and adoption of nuclear power generation has become a core driving factor for many economies (Pusch, Yong, & Nakano, 2011). However, this period has also been a steep learning curve for the world in terms nuclear energy and waste management. In this sense, it becomes critical to ensure that nuclear waste is effectively managed across the world, and more specifically in the USA. In order to ensure the USA develops an effective approach to high-level nuclear waste management, it is important to examine how other industrialized nations manage said waste. In France, for instance, the government has already identified a deep geological disposal site at Meuse/Haute-Marne. Although the selection process was lengthy, it is important to note that the selection process for developing and identifying such a waste repository (Alley & Alley, 2013). Sweden has also succeeded in identifying such a location through a lengthy research process. However, as far as many countries are concerned, the process of identifying the site of such a repository is lengthy and often fraught with political, economic, technical, and geological challenges. This is the situation in the USA, Germany, and even Japan (Easterling & Kunreuther, 2013). In this regard, it becomes clear that the best way in which countries can identify and develop such a high-level nuclear waste rep...
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