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Foreign Policy Analysis: Relationships

Essay Instructions:

This paper requires you to select a contemporary problem in U.S. Foreign Policy. You should critically analyze various options the United States could utilize, evaluating the pros and cons of each option by drawing upon the evidence and arguments produced by scholars and practitioners, make a policy recommendation and consider the risks and unknowns associated with the recommended option. This analysis should increase your understanding and go beyond discussions and/or readings in class. The paper should be a minimum of 7 pages and a maximum 10 pages and follow the associated style guide on canvas.

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Foreign Policy Analysis Author Name Institution Affiliation The foreign policy is a representative of a country’s intention of how it wants to build or develop, and maintain a relationship with another country. Foreign policy, which is also referred to as foreign affairs, is devised to protect the national interests while keeping a strategic relationship with either neighboring or a distant country (Charillon, 2017). Different approaches are developed and aligned with policy in order to meet the goals set in a policy paper. There are various aspects and areas covered in foreign policy such as defense (military), foreign aid, immigration, trade, diplomatic relations and so on. It is impossible to cover all areas of the US foreign policy in accordance with the assignment’s requirements so the discussion will be focused on immigration only. It is not a new phenomenon that making and implementing a sound immigration policy has worsened in recent times. Due to this grave failure of the authorities, it has come to a point where the economic stability, diplomacy, and security of the United States is threatened Many scholars and organizations have been pointing towards this disaster from years now. The country has benefited from immigration to set the record. A lot of capital was brought in by international students, and highly skilled workers contributed to the economy and prosperity of the United States. But the problem has been the inconsistency in the immigration policy that has led to a decline in America’s status in the world. An overhaul and reform are required in this area before it is too late. Below, I am outlining some options that can be utilized to overcome this situation in hand. Recommendations Competitive labor market The current US immigration system does not allow the relevant authorities to act and respond efficiently to labor market needs (Mcmillan, 2008). The system should be put in place to understand the requirements of this market. As it stands now, it fails to yield productive results. Also, there have been many indicators to prove the incompetence of the current immigration system. This whole situation is increasing the uncertainty in the market, yet making it less and less competitive and leaving the US behind other leading countries in the area of progression. The developed economies around the world are making policies to attract skilled workers from around the world to benefit from their skill set. The unfortunate thing for America is that it has failed to attract that segment of the market. The policy exists, but it has felt the pressure of extreme competition posed by other countries to attract talents. A flexible visa system for such workers to come and boost the economy must be outlined. Students are also not given many choices to pursue their careers in the right way, and they end up migrating to other countries like Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Canada, where their future prospects are bright. Expansion of current working visa In order to fill the low skilled labor positions, the American companies can use H-1B visa route to employ foreign workers (Thies, 2014). The two core problems are the temporary nature of this visa route and the caps that fall short of the needs of the economy. It has been found that in the past few years, these application quotas have been filled in the first week of opening. After which, in line with the caps, no more people were granted working rights. This issue with H-1B forces the talents to go elsewhere when they cannot get a visa in the world’s largest economy. For the sake of the economy, the caps must be increased if not fully removed. The green card scheme should also be seamless for the eligible people which is not currently. Culture of reinforcement Making an effective policy is as important as it is to enforcing and reinforcing everything. Both the employees and employers currently well exploit the loopholes found in the system. There must be an active system, or to say a force, to ensure that immigration policy is reinforced where inconsistencies are found. The reports of some legal firms' involvement in creating such relaxed and unlawful space have also been presented in recent times. These culprits must be tracked down and fined to stop this abuse. It will be a costly venture to get to these people but the cost borne by the economy is much greater than this. A task force can be made by the Homeland department, who will raid different educational and business places to check and verify their documentation in line with the data held by the authorities. These visits will be made to check the level of compliance these institutes are following. In the case of any inconsistency, they can be fined or issued a warning, depending on how severe the situation is. The United Kingdom has such a task force which has helped the country to get rid of illegal immigrants and the organizations (colleges, universities, and businesses), which were violating the law and creating a space for all sundry where respect of the law had diminished. The United States should learn a lesson from the UK and form a task force of this nature. The introduction of an effective biometric system will help the authorities to trace the people who do not have the right to work. This system can also be used by employers to check their immigration status in the country in order to come to a suitable decision. Border checks The government has been spending a good fortune on the country's border enforcement and introducing new policies and procedures (White, 2001). Now it's time to expand smart borders to separate lawful immigrants and terrorist, and we need to shorten the procedure of immigration making it easy and secure. Why I say that we need to be able to find ways to separate immigrants (with genuine interest) from the immigrants (with evil intentions) bec...
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