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Urban Development and Visual Politics in Glasgow

Essay Instructions:

Studying urban development and visual politics in Glasgow

The essay needs to describe why the topic was chosen.

Which required an analysis of the political impact of urban development on Glasgow

It is necessary to discuss whether the current urban layout of Glasgow is related to history and culture

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Urban Development and visual politics in Glasgow
Urban Development and Visual Politics in Glasgow
For any town or city, the urban development concept always holds a central position in its long-term sustainability and growth. This is because there is always a need to look at the future in relation to the present against the backdrop of rapid population growth and technological advancement. Much must be done to ensure the city's parameters match these dynamics. A crucial factor in urban development is the politics therein, as the leaders have to formulate policies that make it possible. It is the politics of urban development that altogether make this a rather bureaucratic process.
The subjects of urban development and visual politics in Glasgow present fascinating areas of study that offer insights into the political and cultural past of the city. A city's proper management and design hinge upon the seamless fitting of its past, present, and future into one functional entity (Beveridge & Koch, 2019). A multitude of factors, such as changes in economics and society, population growth, and government policies, have all played a role in shaping the urban landscape of Glasgow. There is a need to study the political implications of Glasgow's urban development and analyze the interconnection between the city's present design and its historical and cultural background.
In recent times, Glasgow has experienced substantial urban development, leading to the construction of new public spaces, buildings, and parks. This has been due to an increase in population, advancements in technological sophistication, and dynamic ideologies from the political class in the country. Despite this, it is only sometimes apparent how these developments have influenced the city's politics (Guillard & McGillivray, 2022). Investigation into the correlation between urban development and visual politics in Glasgow, specifically exploring how the former has impacted the city's political terrain, will also be explored.
The reason for selecting the topic of urban development and visual politics in Glasgow is due to the extensive changes that have occurred in the city in recent years. Glasgow has been a historically rich city, priding itself on being a rich source of national history. Glasgow has experienced a significant metamorphosis with the construction of new public spaces and buildings, leading to discussions regarding the city's identity and its connection to its heritage and customs (O'Neill et al., 2023). This essay aims to investigate the political influence of urban development in Glasgow, providing insight into these discussions and a deeper comprehension of how the physical environment shapes cities.
Urban development in Glasgow has had a significant political impact on the city. With a history of political activism, the planning and execution of such projects directly affect Glasgow's poli...
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