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Difference Between Punishment and Guidance

Essay Instructions:

View each video (approx. 2.5 minutes) and then answer the corresponding questions:

1. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ZQD1uFjxuNk

a. What is the difference between punishment and guidance?

b. How does the guidance approach teach internal control and self-regulation?

2. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=V9kCYxtqJe8

a. Which strategies will you employ as a teacher to prevent challenging behavior in the classroom?

3. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=8M3BxexuRqg

a. Which strategies will you employ as a teacher to handle challenging behavior in the classroom?

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Difference Between Punishment and Guidance
According to the Brightpath Kids video, guidance training children to have self-respect and setting consistent, clear, and fair limits for their behaviors. The difference between guidance and punishment is that guidance is the training set that trains a child to have a consistent and clear limit for their behaviors. In contrast, punishment involves penalizing a child or any other person for committing an offense or mistake. It is through punishment that a child may suffer as the parent may instill a penalty based on the stem of the parent, which may be in different forms. The guidance assists children in resolving their conflicts and modeling skills which later helps them solve their problems (Brightpath Kids, 2014a). Through guidance, students learn how to value their mistakes as learning opportunities. The guidance also assists children in making appropriate behavior choices, self-respect, and respect for others. It is also necessary to consider the proper age for guiding the child.
How The Guidance Approach Teaches Internal Control and Self-Regulation
The guidance approach is vital in teaching internal control and self-regulation, including redirecting someone to more acceptable behaviors or activities. It also aids a lot in guiding people, including children, in setting clear and consistent own limits. It is also essential to keep reminding them of their behaviors and feelings, which contributes significantly to internal control and self-regulation (Sanders et al., 2019). Another approach that plays a vital role in promoting internal control and self-regulation is through valuing mistakes and perceiving them as future opportunities.
Strategies To Employ to Prevent Challenging Behavior in The Classroom
One can employ those strategies as a teacher to prevent behavior in the classroom. One such strategy includes organizing indoor fr...
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