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Social Media Campaign: Alcohol Use and Abuse

Essay Instructions:

Using the outline you created in Part 3 as your foundation, develop a well-written proposal for a social media campaign that addresses alcohol use and abuse in your target population.

The elements of your proposal will mirror the structure of the outline. That is, your proposal should include the following:

Introduction that describes the problem being studied

Rationale for selecting a social media platform that works best with the chosen population and state

Discussion of an evidence-based program that serves as a model for your campaign

Description of the major message and associated components of the campaign

Strategy for measuring the success of the campaign

In addition:

Create a mock-up of your social media campaign to share with the class in Week 8 of the course

Your proposal must include in-text citations and a corresponding reference list in APA format.

***Target population is young adults 18-25***

























Essay Sample Content Preview:
Alcohol Campaign Proposal.
Alcohol Campaign Proposal
The issue of alcohol use and abuse is increasingly prevalent among young adults between 18 to 25 years of age. This demographic reports the highest binge and heavy drinking rates in the United States. Alcohol abuse poses serious negative consequences, such as impaired driving, accidents, injuries, sexual assault, and academic difficulties. Therefore, effective interventions to prevent and decrease alcohol consumption in young adults must be developed. A possible strategy is to utilize social media platforms, specifically Instagram, to promote healthy behaviours and provide educational resources. As Instagram is a well-liked platform among young adults, it can be used to visually communicate messages about the dangers and outcomes of alcohol abuse. This plan will detail a social media initiative to decrease alcohol consumption in young adults, using Instagram as a tool. The program will incorporate evidence-based strategies and be structured to measure its effectiveness in reducing alcohol consumption among the intended.
The social media platform Instagram is widely used among young adults, particularly those aged 18-25yrs, making it an optimal platform for our campaign. Its image-focused interface makes it an ideal medium for delivering our message through pictures and videos (Koeske,2017). Additionally, Instagram permits the use of hashtags, which can be employed to reach a broader audience interested in alcohol use and abuse. Hashtags enable users to easily locate and interact with our content (Johnson & Smith, 2016).
Kim et al. (2011) conducted research indicating that Instagram effectively encourages positive health behaviours in young adults. The study demonstrated that individuals who shared pictures of healthy food or physical activity were likelier to participate in these activities. It is, therefore, plausible to hypothesize that a comparable outcome could be accomplished concerning alcohol use and abuse audience (Harland-Dunaway, 2018). By promoting healthy attitudes and behaviours related to alcohol consumption, one can motivate young adults to engage in healthier practices.
In addition, Gale (2019) conducted research showing that Instagram users exposed to alcohol-related posts were more likely to engage in binge drinking. This discovery underscores our campaign's need to concentrate on advocating for responsible drinking and educating individuals about the adverse effects of binge drinking. As such, our initiative will strive to provide informative material about alcohol use and abuse, emphasizing the significance of moderate consumption while discouraging binge drinking practices (Goddard, 2014).
A program that can be used as a model for a social media campaign targeting alcohol use and abuse among young adults is the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS). This evidence-based program is grounded in motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioural techniques and aims to identify and address risky alcohol consumption behaviours among college students (Johnson & Smith, 2016). BASICS provide personalized feedback to students about their drinking behaviour and the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and helps them develop skills and strategies to decrease their alcohol intake. Studies have shown that this program effectively reduces alcohol use, alcohol-related problems, and academic consequences among college students (Gale, 2019).
The Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) is an evidence-based program that has effectively reduced alcohol use and related problems among college students (Jaffe, 2018). To adapt the program for social media, Instagram could be a suitable platform, given its popularity among young adults aged 18-24 (Sullum, 2019). Through Instagram's various features, such as videos, images, and stories, information about the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and strategies for reducing alcohol intake could be shared. Moreover, Instagram's community-building features could create a sense of social support and encourage healthy behaviours (Sullum, 2019).
Alcohol consumption is a widespread issue among young adults aged 18-25, and it can severely affect their health, academics, and personal relationships. The primary goal of this social media campaign is to raise awareness of the harmful consequences of alcohol use and promote responsible drinking habits among young adults aged 18-25yrs. The campaign's central message is encouraging young adults to consume alcohol in moderation and never to drink and drive. By emphasizing the importance of responsible drinking behaviour, the campaign aims to illustrate the negative consequences of excessive alcohol consumption and driving under the influence (Smith, 2019).
The campaign's content will also provide practical tips for responsible drinking, such as alternatives to alcohol and strategies for limiting consumption. The campaign will encourage young adults to seek help if they struggle with alcohol use and abuse by providing information on support groups and treatment options. The campaign's visuals will be attention-grabbing and relatable, using bright colours, trendy graphics, and youth-oriented messaging (Fagin, 2014). Finally, the campaign will use targeted advertising on social media platforms to reach young adults aged 18-25 at risk of developing alcohol use disorders. Overall, this campaign aims to educate and engage young adults in responsible drinking behaviour and reduce the harmful effects of alcohol use and abuse. (Smith, 2019).
The campaign will utilize social media influencers, Instagram ads, and educational resources to encourage young adults to adopt responsible drinking behaviours (Bonnie, 2008). The influencers will share the campaign's posts and stories on their Instagram pages and create content to amplify the campaign's message (Eric et al., 2019). The campaign will also provide resources on alcohol use and abuse, such as where to find support for addiction and the legal consequences of drunk driving. With engaging content, social media influencers, and educational resources, this campaign aims to reduce the prevalence of alcohol use and abuse among young adults aged 18-25. (Garcia, 2019).
The proposed social media campaign can be evaluated using several metrics. Firstly, engagement rates on Instagram, including likes, comments, and shares of the campaign content, will provide insights into how well the campaign resonates with the target audience. Secondly, tracking the number of followers gained during the campaign period will measure the campaign's effectiveness in reaching the target population. Another important metric is the...
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