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Turkish Foreign Policy Summary

Essay Instructions:

The instructions and the questions can be found in the file. I will put extra videos, slides and documents. Please do your references only from those files and videos, and write with your own words like professor mentioned. I have 36 hours. Please write it in the best way you can because its one of my important essays. Please try to read all the files and give good answers. 1st question is compulsory, the second question is from 2 parts, you can choose 1 and answer. So total 2 questions and 2 pages for each. Thank you from now and please let me know how is it going.

https://dropmefiles(dot)com/4QnB8 here are the extra files.

Week 1

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=eZT-Vx-O3r4 (The first residential Ottoman envoy)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=BoffgY0brTk (Major powers' plans on the Middle East and the Ottoman Empire)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Sryz1T7M0h4 (Atatürk, national independence struggle and the new Turkey)

Week 2

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=xlz-B85M08w (Atatürk addresses the American nation, 1925)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=sgEe0M8PEvs (Lausanne Treaty and population exchange)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=2BbGAnuyvOE (Leon Trotsky's exile in Istanbul, 1929-1933)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=_11aNPRXU8g (Signing ceremony of the Balkan Pact)

Week 3

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=iRPgx6c4njE (Turkish military exercises in Thrace to prepare against possible fascist invasion, 1937)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=598xp9n5r2c (Anglo-French-Turkish Friendship Treaty, 1939)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=mz6P_q6qNrQ&t=14s (The German–Turkish Non-Aggression Pact, 1941)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=QietPs3fG40 (Turkey's celebration of the Republic Day in 1941)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=k-RM10biRoE&t=23s (İnönü and Churchill in Adana Talks, 1943)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=mvuyilO8zxA (Turkey breaks with Germany, 1944)

Week 4

(Turkey and the Korean War)



(Baghdad Pact)



(Turkey and Cyprus)




https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Vc46f-aExSM (arrival of Turkish troops to guarantee order and stability on the Island; they were to be accompanied by their Greek counterparts)


Week 5

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=uAi7RyR0qac (History Brief: The Cuban Missile Crisis Explained)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=KZVdDnOHuEI (Jupiters and Çiğli Air Base)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=d4-SyIwgiBw (Cyprus remains divided decades after split)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=_cQLMMUKkXs (America's drive against heroin and Turkey's role)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Turkish foreign policy
PART I (Compulsory Question)
1. What are the principles, institutions, and lessons that the Turkish Republic inherited from the Ottoman Empire? Give five different cases as to how Turkey put these into practice (Hint: First, introduce them all, then choose five among them and give examples.)
The Turkish Republic inherited various principles and lessons from the Ottoman Empire. Among the inherited principles are;
* Supporting legitimate governments
* Supporting international law
* Avoiding possible loss at the conference table
* Ensuring the support of another power
* Employing strategic retreat
* Avoiding foreign servitudes
* Guaranteeing the Empire’s Integrity by Membership in the European State System
* Creation of a Permanent Diplomatic Establishment
However, there are other principles such as borrowing financial aid and emphasizing Islam that were harmful to the Ottoman Empire. Based on these harmful principles, the Turkish Republic learned the following lessons; not to borrow money abroad and not to uphold Pan-Islamic policy but accept Muslim support in the War of Independence. The Turkish Republic also learned not to attempt to try to hold on to non-Turkish territory and not to engage in wars.
1.Guaranteeing the Empire’s integrity by membership in the European State System
In 1856, the Ottoman sought to maintain its integrity by being recognized by the European State System. This achievement was attained after the declaration of the Treaty of Paris, which was signed by all the European powers. Similarly, Turkey used its diplomacy to become a member of the League of Nations after its independence. Being a member of the League of Nations reduced the threats the country was facing, especially from Germany and Italy.
2. Employing strategic retreat
While compromising with other nations, the Ottoman Empire employed strategic retreat, which enabled it to back down as little as possible and preserve as much as possible. This principle was employed during independence talks when Turkey presented a National Pact that emphasized on complete independence; territorial, political, judicial, and economic. Although the country backed down, it did it strategically because the final boundaries were substantially those of the National Pact, except for the undefined Mosul frontier.
3. Avoiding foreign servitudes
The Ottoman Empire avoided foreign servitudes through the Sublime Porte, which forced foreigners operating within the empire to adhere to its tax regulations and acknowledge its jurisdiction. Likewise, during the independence talks, Turkish leaders eliminated the majority of foreign servitudes and ensured that foreign residents, businesses, economic concessions, and schools were subject to Turkish laws.
4. Not to recreate the heterogeneous Ottoman state or to try to hold on to non-Turkish territory
The Ottoman Empire was heterogenic and its diplomacy efforts focused on exploiting disputes among European countries to maintain a heterogeneous empire. The desire to maintain a heterogeneous jurisdiction was one of the reasons why the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Based on this lesson, Turkish negotiations during the independence war were based on creating an independent and sovereign Turkey for the Turks. Specifically, this lesson was used by Mustafa Kemal when he exploited the differences between Britain, France, Italy, and Russia to seek complete sovereignty onl...
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