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Cultural Differences and Their Influences to Leadership and Business Communications

Essay Instructions:

Please include 2 graphic pages too. Semester Research Project

The cultural differences in non-verbal communication and how they influence leadership and business communications

Organizing and Preparing Reports and Proposals

Due: May 7th, 2021

The foundation of an effective paper is selecting an appropriate topic. Following the guidelines listed in Chapter 12, Objectives 1-5, will direct you on planning an effective research paper.


You will write a minimum 3 page maximum 4-page paper about:

The cultural differences in non-verbal communication and how they influence leadership and business communications.

You will use your book and external resources that will support your findings on how nonverbal communication has a direct effect on leadership outcomes. You will include a minimum of 2 graphics supporting your findings to be imbedded in the paper. Remember your research paper will include the following parts: Introduction, body and conclusion, title page, table of contents, and appropriate referencing (APA style).

This means in total you will submit a 6–7-page paper.

Think about how 4 strategic forces may impact how a leader uses nonverbal communication to communicate within the organization and how any of the forces and cultural norms influence the outcome. You are required to refer to all 4 strategic forces in your paper.

Strategic Forces Influencing Business Communication

On your Individual papers you will be deducted 10 points for the following errors:

➢ Fundamental errors (capitalization errors, punctuation errors etc.) ➢ Poor sentence structure and comprehension errors

➢ Information that is not concise, to the point and not clear

➢ Incomplete thoughts

➢ No Graphics (-15)

➢ No title page, table of contents or appropriate referencing (-20)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Semester Research Project
Student’s Name or Students’ Names
Department Affiliation, University Affiliation
Course Number: Course Name
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Assignment Due Date
Semester Research Project
Non-verbal communication is critical in business organizations, equal to verbal communication. The non-verbal communication efficacy is that it reduces the barriers between professionals. Few studies explore the importance of non-verbal communication from a professional viewpoint—the process of learning the effects of non-verbal communication help to improve professional environments, increasing self-awareness. Predominantly, the use of non-verbal cues helps make a connection for people working in an intimate setting (Baugh, Vanderbilt & Baugh, 2020). The office happens to render a challenge to understanding non-verbal communication cues, which offer several advantages associated with the corporate world.
Professional surveys in the corporate world indicate that few organizations invest in training on non-verbal communication. Though these organizations fail to administer such training, it is essential to acknowledge that non-verbal communication exists independently. Employees may fail to understand and interpret messages from their seniors, especially if they are verbal by nature. However, they may use non-verbal cues to understand the interpretation of some of the messages (Ciuffani, 2017). This critical aspect of non-verbal communication remains relevant in the professional context. Supervisors can use non-verbal communication to match their verbal language messages to boost productivity while enhancing job satisfaction for their junior employees.
Business organizations continue to employ a significant professional population. For the corporate world, diversity is critical to ensure the balance of cultures in their organizations. The accommodation of diverse professionals tends to create a cultural difference in the workplace. In this view, the business organization will present cultural difference challenges, reflecting even in the communication process (Baugh, Vanderbilt & Baugh, 2020). Notably, a failure to understand the potentiality of the cultural difference may result in a language barrier. Further, a company that regulates cultural barriers issues will address the problems of cultural difference to allow for productivity at various departmental sections.
In the professional environment, managers bear the responsibility to understand non-verbal communication. Despite cultural differences, they ought to understand the various non-verbal cues, which offer an understanding to co-worker complaints or even customer dissatisfaction. The non-verbal cues will also understand the delivery of constructive criticism, which may reinforce positive feedback. It is also a vital element to eliminating the case of negative interactions at the workplace. Work ethics demands that professionals remain objective in their jobs. This feature is effectively portrayed by the nature of communication, for instance, the case of touchy workers. Some non-verbal communication may provide hints on the nature of the relationship between workers to better understand the organization (Ciuffani, 2017). The well-deserved pat on the back remains relevant in the professional environment compared to an unnecessary hand on a colleague’s should say hello, during the start of a serious business meeting. Thus, non-verbal decoding remains to be a critical issue in the professional environment. Mentees interpret non-verbal communications to understand the emotions of their mentors better. The non-verbal cues tend to offer interpersonal and professional benefits in business organizations. The salespersons that interpret non-verbal cues tend to make sales and earn higher salaries in the sales business. In most instances, salespeople rely on non-verbal cues to understand the behavior of their customers. They will approach their customers, communicate effectively, and can tell the reactions of their target groups. Further, the non-verbal cues act as initial indicators to understanding the customer's feeling towards specific products. In the office environment, non-verbal cues are imperative to creating a supportive climate for the workers. Services providers use non-verbal communication to foster support and develop rapport in the office and corporate environments.
Different cultures understand that non-verbal communication refers to the process of sending and receiving information beyond the use of words. Non-verbal communication is critical foster communication and information sharing. In the business context, non-verbal communication is effective in accent the meaning of the verbal message. This feature may require the communicator to use facial expressions and gestures (Baugh, Vanderbilt & Baugh, 2020). Additionally, non-verbal communication may serve to regulate communication with others, allowing one to pass tailored messages to their intended target. In the corporate world, juniors use non-verbal communication to sideline senior management. Then again, the use of non-verbal communication is critical to complement, contradict or substitute verbal communication.
Non-verbal communication cuts across different cultures with different perceptions and views. Some countries discourage eye contact while others allow it to act as a symbol of confidence and honesty. Touching is a common form of non-verbal communication widely accepted by many cultures. However, some people consider touch as a sign of rudeness and disrespect for their authority. Gest...
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