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The ties that bind groups

Essay Instructions:
The ties that bind groups. Throughout these first four weeks, we’ve encountered several perspectives on what exactly binds a social group together. Some authors think it’s a function of history, others social convention, others factor in biological and genetic factors, and so forth. For your short essay, pick just one author’s perspective on the issue. Do you find their account of what ties social groups together convincing? If so, what are its strongest aspects? If not, what is the view lacking? Make sure to illustrate your reasoning with textual evidence and a real-world example. your essays should consist of the following components: A clear, direct thesis statement that addresses the prompt; Analysis and explanation of relevant textual evidence; One paragraph that raises and addresses an objection to your thesis statement. The author's writing is included in the file.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Construction of Familial Identity Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Professor’s Name Date The Construction of Familial Identity Introduction This essay critically evaluates José Medina's perspective on constructing familial identity, specifically focusing on gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. Medina focuses on discursive practices, language games, and normativity to offer a sophisticated picture of social identities working within particular circumstances. Although conceding the power in his argument of capturing the evolving process of identity construction outlined above, this essay reconsiders questions about the limits of this subjectivity and the metrics to assess the acceptability of normative institutions in social life. Analysis and Explanation of Relevant Textual Evidence The above-provided text explores the relative identity of Medina, and it is possible to say that working with familial identity is a complex phenomenon. He claims membership in identity groups such as women, lesbians, or Hispanics is not just a matter of facts but is negotiated within normatively built and situated practices (Medina, 2003). The points of emphasis of Medina – contextuality, performativity, and normativity correspond with the fluidity of the familial identity, evoking the necessity of identifying discursive practices within specific communities. Medina argues that familial identity is not a static construction but is contextual, constrained by intersubjective configurations of similarities and distinctions (Medina, 2003). Acknowledging identity as performative is essential, considering how individuals engage in language games and discursive practices, which influence their conceptions of themselves and others within the family environment. Real-World Example As an example of Medina’s vision, a ritual connected to the Triana ‘Negro’ in Sevilla, Spain, is very illustrative. In the story, a unique sepulcher of Iñigo Lopes, a dark-skinned young enslaved person who decayed within a church, is described. The practi...
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