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Essay Instructions:
This research paper assignment offers you the opportunity to propose practical solutions to recent and relevant policy issues in the area of either police, courts, or corrections. You will analyze and synthesize how these solutions fit into the Christian worldview. • 10 peer-reviewed sources. • Acceptable sources (course textbooks, academic books, peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last 5-10 years only). -please use the template provided, Include a running header, title page, abstract (between 120-250 words), proper APA headings/subheadings and a reference page. Please note that you are asked not to omit any of the bold headings that are already clearly named in the template. You are only asked to add/rename the APA headings/subheadings to keep the paper organized, and to insert your written content into the appropriate sections of the template.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Synthesis of Understanding the Dynamics of Human Trafficking, Specifically Sex Trafficking in the United States Name University Professor Name Date Abstract The paper aims to provide a thorough overview of the topic of human trafficking in the United States by examining its causes, manifestations, deceptive tactics, impact on those affected, and potential solutions. The essay argues that sex trafficking is a pervasive problem that primarily affects the weaker segments of society, such as women, children, and LGBTQ (sexual orientation and sexual minority) groups. To that end, laws, scientific discoveries, and Bible passages are all embraced. The essay emphasizes the crafty tactics used by traffickers to lure victims, the challenges faced by the authorities in putting an end to this crime, and the importance of preventive initiatives taken by healthcare professionals and community organizers. The study will also explore how to pass laws, how to use community involvement to address various viewpoints, and how religion interprets grave violations of human rights. According to the pamphlet, this objective includes instruction, prayer, and lobbying. As a result, it jeopardizes the organization's attempts to end sex trafficking and rehabilitate victims' dignity in the view of the general public, youth, and church members. Keywords: Sex Trafficking, Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Victim Introduction to Human Trafficking Human trafficking is the modern term for slavery. The Hebrews were forcibly enslaved in Egypt, leading to the origins of human trafficking. According to (Exodus 13:3) states that the LORD liberated us from Egypt, where we were enslaved, with a display of great power. Hence, slavery is linked to the Egyptians, who employed their people as enslaved people to construct the pyramids, or to the United States, where white landowners bought men and women and forced them to work in their fields and their households. The precise origins and global dissemination of human trafficking remain unknown. However, from its beginning, human trafficking has been a prevalent problem in cultures worldwide and is ongoing. Researchers estimate that a global population of 12 to 30 million individuals experiences subjection to human trafficking, which they see as a form of modern-day slavery, including coerced labor or involvement in the sex industry, with five million of these individuals being youngsters (Byrne et al. 2019). These statistics show the issue's potency, which we will continue to discuss in this paper. Human trafficking is a term that refers to the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining individuals for labor or sexual services. Any act of using coercion, fraud, or force to compel someone to participate in forced labor or commercial sex is considered unlawful and defined as Human Trafficking, as stated by the Department of Homeland Security (Blue Campaign, 2022). Human trafficking is done through the use of force, fraud, or coercion to subject them to involuntary labor, peonage, debt bond enslavement, or compelled commercial sex acts. According to the United States Department of State (2023) report on Understanding Human Trafficking, there are two primary forms of human trafficking acknowledged in the nation: coerced labor and sex trafficking. Approximately 14,500 to 17,500 individuals are estimated to be illicitly transported into the United States annually (Moukaddam et al., 2021). Hence, the graveness of the matter is that law enforcement officials, advocates for public health, and lawmakers have a responsibility to address the worldwide problem of human rights abuses caused by human trafficking. Sex Trafficking in the United States Sex trafficking is the predominant form of human trafficking in the United States, with a history spanning several centuries. Federal legislation passed the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000, making a clear distinction between the crimes of labor and sex trafficking and the conduct of prostitution (Farrell & Cronin, 2015). The enactment of this legislation established a comprehensive system across the entire country for the identification of those who have been victimized by human trafficking, as well as assisting in the legal pursuit and punishment of those involved in such illicit acts. Since the passage of the TVPA, multiple government entities have conducted investigations and studies on the topic of human trafficking in America. A survey conducted by the U.S. Department of State, which analyzed the Trafficking in Persons Report, concludes that approximately 700,000 individuals have been subjected to human trafficking each year across national boundaries since 2001 (Helton, 2016). Law enforcement professionals now undergo enhanced training on human trafficking as a direct consequence of the TVPA. The differentiation between victims of sex trafficking and individuals who willingly participate in prostitution remains challenging. Law enforcement agencies must possess the capability to detect and apprehend individuals involved in prostitution, as well as identify and rescue victims of sex trafficking (Farrell & Cronin, 2015). Manipulative Strategies Employed In Human Trafficking Perpetrators utilize various manipulative tactics to deceive individuals into being involved in the sex trafficking industry. The International Labour Organization said that over 40.3 million individuals fell victim to human trafficking worldwide in 2016. A total of 4.8 million individuals were subjected to sexual exploitation and forced into slavery, while 15.4 million marriages were against their will by force (Reap, 2019). These victims are often promised citizenship in another nation but instead find themselves trapped in arranged marriages, subjected to superb schooling, and forced into recognized professions. The conventional approaches employed seem to involve the practice of debt bondage. Engaging in this criminal enterprise consists of pushing the victims to provide sexual services as a means to repay their debts (Litam, 2017). Repayable loans encompass both household expenses and travel costs to the foreign country. The smuggler is responsible for all services provided by the victim. The smuggler is discharged from liability regardless of whether the facilities meet their standards within a given time frame. The process of liquidation has the potential to span weeks, months, or even years. In addition, anot...
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