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Strategic Engagement: Capitalizing on Tariff Reductions to Advance U.S. Interests in the Liberal International Economic Order

Essay Instructions:
Prompt: You are a White House intern working with the National Security Council. Over the weekend, U.S. intelligence agencies announced they have high confidence in rumors that began circulating earlier: President Xi, at a meeting of senior Chinese officials, announced that he has decided to unilaterally reduce tariffs on US imports that were adopted during the Trump years. All of the senior NSC staff have been busy working on scenarios that involve Chinese aggression, so you are tasked with figuring out how the United States should respond when and if China makes a public announcement that it is lowering these tariffs. Should the United States seize this opportunity to resume an engagement strategy toward China? Why or why not? Discuss how economic frictions with Japan were resolved in the 1990s and any lessons that might be drawn from that experience to inform how the US responds in this case. How will China’s Asian neighbors respond to this news, based on how they have been handling economic relations with China? If you argue that the US should ignore this opportunity, explain what economic strategies toward China the nation should adopt instead. If you argue that the US should seize this opportunity, describe steps you think should be taken to enhance the Liberal International Economic Order and fix problems that have emerged in recent years. Your task is to identify the strategy that best serves the US national interest, so defend your argument by citing relevant IR theory (Realist / Constructivism / Liberalism and Domestic Politics) and historical analogies and citing readings assigned for this class. You may be tempted to offer you think President Biden wants to hear during the current political campaign. Don’t get distracted by this temptation. Focus on what makes sense for the nation. Instruction: Th essay grade depends on effective use of references to assigned readings. This is not a research paper, so you should not need to conduct research beyond what you learned and read for class. Essays will also be graded for the strength of your argument, organizational coherence, and the accuracy of details. “Effective” use of references to readings means you should paraphrase what authors argued, in your own words, and discuss the authors’ ideas in sufficient detail that we can see you understand their arguments and are applying them in a thoughtful way to the question asked. If you do choose to quote a reading, use parenthetical citation: (Kissinger, p. 8) is fine when we read only one work by an author; or (Mearsheimer, Great Delusion, p. 12) if we read more than one. Please include a bibliography listing the readings you cite or mention in the essay. The bibliography does not count toward your page limit. Please must incorporate READING into the essay! I also attached my detailed notes for reference (Use it!)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Strategic Engagement: Capitalizing on Tariff Reductions to Advance U.S. Interests in the Liberal International Economic Order Student’s Name Institution Course # and Name Professor’s Name Submission Date The economic interdependence brought by trade relations across countries is vital since it can promote or hinder trade. In response to whether the US should seize the opportunity or not is dependent on understanding the economic friction China has with Japan. The lessons from the ordeal can guide the decision on whether to seize the opportunity. It is essential to analyze the response of China’s neighbors based on their previous interactions with China. Before deciding on the best response, it is essential to analyze the Liberal International economy. It is crucial to identify an optimal strategy. The response incorporates international relations theory and historical analogies to analyze China’s economic strength. The information obtained will provide stakeholders with insights into making informed decisions. The response should be in line with national interests rather than personal interests. Therefore, this paper analyses the opportunity's viability by incorporating theories and historical analogies to determine whether it is strategic. Analyzing the Opportunity Presented The United States should not seize the opportunity to resume its engagement strategy with China because of its tumultuous relationship based on its history and international relations theory. A historical analogy that the U.S. should analyze is the Sino-U.S. freeze from 1950 to 1971. Both countries have had a strenuous trading relationship since no trade or official diplomatic relations were established. Mao wanted to break through the bureaucratic structures, thus formulating a group known as the Red Guard, which had incompatible policies (Kissinger, 2013, p.120). However, the experiments were unsuccessful, resulting in dire consequences for the country. During their talks, Kissinger and Nixon devised an elaborate subterfuge that shocked everyone (Kissinger, 2013, p.75). However, engaging in strategic agreements with such hawkish leaders today might undermine the growth and development of trade in the U.S. Avoiding war might depict a nation's true intentions rather than its military capability. China’s constant economic growth has quadrupled its expenses on military equipment, resulting in increased military power (Goldstein, 2020, p.59). China has stated that the growth in its military power is a peaceful rise. The U.S. should not seize the opportunity to resume strategic engagements since China is motivated by the need to become a hegemony military control. China has surpassed the U.S. by deploying ground-launch missiles covering its neighboring countries (Hatoyama, 2021, p.11). China clearly states that it will not allow Taiwan to be independent, which indicates that the reduction of tariffs might be motivated by personal interests. Therefore, this finding indicates that China needs to reform its human rights policy for the betterment of humanity. Different IR theories can be used to evaluate the causes of China’s military actions. The Liberal/Constructivist theory argues that the practices and culture within a country that allow peaceful reconciliations can be adopted when dealing with other countries. Similar principles and ethics can be applied when dealing with other countries. It also incorporates using non-violent methods to solve a problem in a given situation. The research argued that international tensions and conflicts could inhibit liberal operations (Grieco, 1988, p.486). Democracies do not go to war with other democracies; however, communists can go to war with other countries. From this finding, it is evident that China is not restricted by governing laws to engage in wars against other countries, which undermines human rights. Understanding whether China plans to engage in war with other countries is essential since that undermines its moral obligation to humanity. Before considering the opportunity, assessing the realist perspective of the causes of China’s military actions is pivotal in guiding the decision. The realist perspective states that democratic nations will seek peaceful settlements in the event of conflicts. Research argues that the norm that democracies should not fight each other was established in the nineteenth century (Russet, 1994, p.5). The nations might incorporate methods such as diplomacy and negotiations to settle a matter instead of a military approach. The nations understand the financial implications of war, so they avoid it altogether. China, a communist nation, might not adhere to a peaceful settlement and instead incorporate violent means of solving conflicts. Inadequate effective communication might undermine trade operations since China might employ violent means. Economic Frictions With Japan Economic frictions can hinder seamless business operations between different countries, thus causing financial repercussions such as a decline in profit. Realist pre...
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