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Symptoms and Control of Schizophrenia

Essay Instructions:
Briefly describe the symptoms of schizophrenia. Then discuss how an individual or a society could help reduce the suffering caused by the disorder.
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Symptoms and Control of Schizophrenia
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Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that makes it difficult to differentiate between real and unreal experiences. This disorder is also linked to difficulty in sound thinking and abnormal emotional response to ideas and issues (Beck, Rector, & Grant, 2011). People suffering from schizophrenia have difficulty in behaving normally in social settings. Symptoms of schizophrenia always develop slowly over several months or years. Some people may witness many symptoms while others may witness few (Beck et al, 2011). People suffering from any type of this disorder have difficulties in keeping friends and working schedules. In addition, they also have problems related to depression, anxiety and some times have suicidal opinions (Haycock & Shaya, 2009).
The most common symptoms are easily seen with a person suffering from schizophrenia include: having severe tense feelings with insomnia. The early stages are also related with difficulty in concentration. With the continuity of the disorder, the patient begins to develop problems with thinking and his or her emotions (Haycock & Shaya, 2009). Some behavioral changes will also be witnessed including lack of emotions, phantasm with some strongly held beliefs. Some other symptoms include having disconnected thoughts with strange characters together with isolations (Beck et al, 2011). People suffering from Paranoid schizophrenia do have false feelings of others even close relatives wanting to hurt them. Disorganized Schizophrenia symptoms may also include childlike characters while Catatonic schizophrenia symptoms may include a person not responding much to others or having unique facial expressions (Beck et al, 2011).
Caring for a Schizophrenia Patient
Supportive therapy programs are helpful for schizophrenia patients. Some of the programs that can be initiated to help this group of people overcome their sufferings include: training of behavioral...
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