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3 pages/≈825 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
INSTRUCTIONS Your assignment is to write a research paper regarding what many consider to be the number one challenge most airports face today; how to move large groups of passengers though airport terminals quickly and efficiently. But for now you should focus on what key facilities are required, and on the ground access system. Let's hear some great example as well as some failed concepts such as mobile lounges, and talk about why they are great or why the evolution of airport operations caused them to die. (converse clearly with the class about facts and opinions on key airport facilities required for enplanements and deplanements of passengers and bags, key modes of transportation that comprise an airports ground access system, and many of the designs of today's airport terminals.) APA FORMATTING IS A MUST. PLEASE FOLLOW APA (6th EDITION) GUIDELINES, FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT 30 PERCENT OF YOUR GRADE AUTOMATICALLY. GRAMMER AND PUNCTUATION A MUST
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The major factor that affects transport industry in relation to air transport is replacement. Airports have been faced with the challenge of moving many passengers through the terminals. Airports have a small space as compared to the number of passengers who travel throughout the season. Congestion problems are especially experienced during the peak season. This paper aims to discuss the facilities required during enplanement and deplanement of passengers and bags. It will discuss the modes of transport found in the ground access system
One of the factors that determine the facilities to be improved in airports is the enplanement of passengers. Enplanement is done so as to find the future modifications that are needed to be made on airport facilities. The United States department of transportation conducts a survey on the records of the origin and destination of passengers. A survey conducted on the airports as regarding the enplanement of passengers showed that commercial passenger air service generates a positive effect on the passengers (Warren and University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, 2008). Enplanement of passengers refers to the domestic or international flow of passengers at the airport in a scheduled or non-scheduled aircraft. It does not include passengers who are receiving compensation for air services as provided by the acts and regulations.
The Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Highway administration have embarked on a project to manage the ground access to airports. The project is conducted as based on the set regulations, procedures and the current laws. They have set competition requirements to be achieved by various airports for the benefits of the passengers. They provide an annual list of airports that need to engage in enplanement (Belliotti et al, 2008). The means of transportation that are used in the ground access systems include motor vehicles and carts for transferring bags.
Airport terminals are the most essential features for the enplanement of passengers and luggage. They should be designed in such a way that they provide enough space for the flow of passengers both at the origin and at the destination terminals. Management is another important aspect to be considered when enplaning. The management should ensure that there are enough resources to carry out the activity. The process requires capital outlay adequate labor facilities. Experts are required to give advice on the te...
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