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Importance of unionization in the society

Essay Instructions:
Instructions: You are writing a rebuttal response to the PAPER below. This person is Against Unionization. PLEASE WRITE A REBUTTAL PAPER THAT YOU ARE FOR UNIONIZATION. Prove this person wrong on how Unionization is very good in the workforce. You are PRO- Unionization PROPER APA FORMAT Against Unionization I think I'm a victim of an elaborate coup, but being a true trooper I will take the unpopular corner of being against unionization. One is the loneliest number, and prior to unionization this must have been how workers felt; apart from sharing views and disgruntled feelings among each other, there were no formal bodies to represent their grouses and concerns officially. The historical rise of unionization has been well documented, and can be captured in a nutshell that its origin was to ensure fair and humane treatment to all employees, forsaken child labor and granting a remnant of equality to female in what seems to be a time of antiquity. However, like so many other element that has been introduced for good, an unforeseen evolutions always proceeds with the addition of power. Unions have taken the mantle from employers and organization figure heads as the labor bullies, and in some cases dictators. The airline industry is not unique to the financial misfortune faced by the economical downturn that as occur over the last few years, but they are the subject of this discussion; and in particular the effects that unionization has had on the financial viability of the industry. It is estimated that almost half the air industry labor force are unionized, and thus receives Mafioso like protection. The union bargaining clout has made for interesting statistics, as it shows that not only are unionized workers liable to make more but they are not subjected to any financial discomfort or deviation even when this is the case for the airlines in times of a depression. The workers maintain all their benefits and financial status even at the detriment of the airline and this is guaranteed because of one of the unions most feared tool; the power of the strike. While the unions will argue that the wage deals that have been agreed to could easily be increased due to the profit that the work force generates through their well trained and professional demeanor, the airlines must consider that any hasty act can result in more financial lost. The dismissal of a unionized worker can be viewed similarly to a traditional prostate check, in more than one way. The union it seems, as grasp the ability to relinquish workers from the employer, and the considered hassle of training a new and component staff to replace the old, with the knowledge that they too will want to experience the bliss of the union is nerve wrecking enough for many airlines to succumb to the demands of the unions. The union's negative effects however are not exclusive just to the airlines specifically, but affect the industry in a more macro sense. The deregulation act of 1978 Coupled with the depression faced by the industry, additional bargaining power as been filtered to unions, hence causing a concession of power by smaller airlines, leaving them venerable. A strike could see another airline seize their passengers, rendering them incapable and causing a vacuum in a particular market; all because of the lack of power equilibrium at the hands of the unions. Reference Cappelli P., Harris, T. (1985). Airline union concessions in the wake of deregulation. Retrieved from http://findarticles(dot)com/p/articles/mi_m1153/is_n6_v108/ai_3793476/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: Pro-Unionization
Importance of unionization in the society
This paper shows how the concept of unionization is important in any working place. Many people are not exposed to acknowledge the positive impact of unionization. For sure, before unionization came into being, there must have been limitations and exploitation created by employers over their employees. Therefore, the concept that brought together employees contributed a positive role in our society.
Unionization is concept that joins together workers with a common interest such as better pay , and favorable working situation for workers; It is the act of creating labor unions. It calls for negotiation between employees and owners of companies. It has advantages both for employees and employers; hence the companies get reward for high quality of production. Unionization has been faced with many controversies in several countries. This is because many people lack information about the advantages of such unions not only for employees, but also for employers and entire society. It looks for effective working situations, affair treatment, and betters wages. Unionization creates a better living standard. Unionized workers have been covered with health insurance schemes, allowances and retirement benefit plans. These benefits arises from two aspects, such as union bargaining capability and union voice which is collective voice.
Smith (2001) claims that Unionization is important aspect as it has institutional role in industrial market economy; the impact of its reduced strength are harmful in the long-term visions of employees and also the society. It provides employees with contract based rights that have positive effect in their employment relationship, voice membership, and compensation rights. Also such union participates in politics; it has effort that influences not only their members but also non-workers as well the whole community.
Such unionization benefits will guarantee a future viable movement of the union; it is a determined organization that enables a revival of entire community. The Union has benefited not only employees and society, but also economy.
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